
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


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LocatorLevelValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The level to which the locator refers. -- Description -- NOTE The locator level attribute enables the comparison of locators from different countries. EXAMPLE In The Netherlands a single locator, the address number, identifies a dwelling or business entity unit (unit level locator). In Spain up to four locators could be needed to obtain the same level of detail: Address number, entrance number, stair identifier plus a floor and door identifier.

GeometryMethodValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Description of how and by whom this geographic position of the address was created or derived. -- Description -- NOTE Information on what type of spatial feature the geographic position of the address was created or derived from, is represented by the GeometrySpecificationValue.

LocatorNameTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Description of the semantics of the locator name.

GeometrySpecificationValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Information defining the specification used to create or derive this geographic position of the address. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Multiple address points can be derived from one polygon spatial object. NOTE 2 If the position of an address is derived from a polygon spatial object a number of different approaches is used. EXAMPLE 1 The same point (e.g., centre point of the polygon) is used for each address, thus, multiple address points will be overlapping. EXAMPLE 2 Each point position is unique within the polygon to be able to visually distinguish the representation of each address.

StatusValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Current validity of the real world address or address component. -- Description -- NOTE 1 This element enables the application schema to represent a full life-cycle of an address and address component, from proposed to reserved, current and retired, or even alternative. NOTE 2 The status value relates to the real world address or address component and not to the property to which the address or address component is assigned (the addressable object).

LocatorDesignatorTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Description of the semantics of the locator designator.

PartTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A classification of the part of name according to its semantics in the complete thoroughfare name.