

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- sewer appurtenance type
Classification of sewer appurtenances.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
anode anode
barrel barrel
barScreen barScreen
catchBasin catchBasin
cleanOut cleanOut
dischargeStructure dischargeStructure
meter meter
pump pump
regulator regulator
scadaSensor scadaSensor
thrustProtection thrustProtection
tideGate tideGate
other other
node node
connection connection
specificStructure specificStructure
mechanicAndElectromechanicEquipment mechanicAndElectromechanicEquipment
rainwaterCollector rainwaterCollector
watertankOrChamber watertankOrChamber
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
Name Description Code value
anode Anode. -- Description -- An <i>anode </i>is a feature (specifically, an electrical mechanism) that&rsquo;s applied to system components for the prevention of rust, pitting, and the corrosion of metal surfaces that are in contact with water or soil. A low-voltage current is applied to the water or soil in contact with the metal, such that the electromotive force renders the metal component cathodic. Corrosion is concentrated on the anodes instead of on the associated (and protected) water system components. This type of corrosion may occur in copper, steel, stainless steel, cast iron, and ductile iron pipes.
barrel Barrel. -- Description -- A <i>barrel </i>is the cylindrical part of a manhole between the cone and the shelf. Barrels are only found in wastewater and stormwater systems.
barScreen Bar screen. -- Description -- A <i>bar screen </i>is a set of parallel bars, either vertical or inclined, that is placed in a sewer or other waterway to catch debris. Bar screens are only found in wastewater and stormwater systems.
catchBasin Catch basin. -- Description -- A <i>catch basin </i>is a chamber or well used with storm or combined sewers to receive runoff into the collection system. Catch basins are used as a means of removing debris and solids that could enter thecollection system. Catch basins may also be modeled as curb inlets or stormwater inlets.
cleanOut Clean out. -- Description -- A <i>cleanout </i>is a sewer and stormwater-specific facility that is used as an opening in a collection system for inserting tools, rods, or snakes while cleaning a pipeline or clearing a stoppage. Cleanout types include two-way cleanouts, which are designed for working a snake into the pipe in either direction. Two-way cleanouts are commonly found in laterals or near a property line.
dischargeStructure Discharge structure. -- Description -- A <i>discharge structure </i>is a sewer and stormwater-specific facility where wastewater drainage is discharged from the system. A discharge point may be located at the terminus of an outfall.
meter Meter. -- Description -- A <i>meter </i>is a facility that is used to measure wastewater volume. Being a facility, a meter plays the role of a junction on the active network.
pump Pump. -- Description -- A <i>pump </i>is a piece of equipment that moves, compresses, or alters the pressure of a fluid, such as water or air, being conveyed through a natural or artificial channel. Pump types include AxialFlow, Centrifugal, Jet, Reciprocating, Rotary, Screw, and Turbine.
regulator Regulator. -- Description -- A <i>regulator </i>is a device that is used in combined sewer systems to control or regulate the diversion flow.
scadaSensor SCADA sensor. -- Description -- The <i>SCADA sensor </i>is a feature that&rsquo;s used to remotely measure the status of network components as part of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. SCADA systems provide alarms, responses, data acquisition, and control for collection and distribution systems. Operators use the SCADA system to monitor and adjust processes and facilities.
thrustProtection Thrust protection. -- Description -- The <i>t</i><i>hrust</i><i> p</i><i>rotection </i>represents a type of line protector that&rsquo;s used to prevent pipe movement. Thrust protection is commonly implemented as thrust blocks (masses of concrete material) that are placed at bends and around valve structures. The types of thrust protection include Anchor, Blocking, Deadman, and Kicker.
tideGate Tide gate. -- Description -- A <i>tide gate </i>is a device used in sewer and stormwater systems that is suspended from a free-swinging horizontal hinge and is usually placed at the end of a conduit, discharging into a body of water with a fluctuating surface elevation. This piece of equipment is also termed a backwater gate, flap gate, or check gate.

Vis SewerAppurtenanceTypeValue i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
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Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype SewerAppurtenanceTypeValue supertype AppurtenanceTypeValue