Inspire revision 4711
A series of predetermined manoeuvres with specified protection from obstacles.
-- Description --
SOURCE [Procedure - AIXM5.0].
NOTE 1 A defined airway connector designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services during the take-off or landing phase, which links an airport/heliport to a significant point, usually connected to one or more air routes.
NOTE 2 When a airport/heliport is not connected with a standardized airway connector to the rest of the air network, this object can be used as a fictitious connector between the airport/heliport and a significant point on one or more ATS routes - for example for VFR (Visual Flight Rules) flights.
NOTE 3 Nevertheless, three main types of standardized Procedures are usually defined for IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flights:
- Standard Instrument Departure (SID), corresponding to the take-off phase.
- Standard Instrument Arrival (STAR), corresponding to the initial approach during the landing phase.
- Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP), corresponding to the final approach and arrival during the landing phase.