

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

One or more systematically curved layers, surfaces, or lines in a rock body. -- Description -- A fold denotes a structure formed by the deformation of a Geologic Structure to form a structure that may be described by the translation of an abstract line (the fold axis) parallel to itself along some curvilinear path (the fold profile). Folds have a hinge zone (zone of maximum curvature along the surface) and limbs (parts of the deformed surface not in the hinge zone).
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
profileType FoldProfileTypeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
inspireId Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
name CharacterString 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Identifier (datatype) 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 0..1
CharacterString 1..1
FoldProfileTypeValue 1..1
Name Type English Description
inspireId Identifier (datatype) External object identifier of the spatial object.
- localId CharacterString A local identifier, assigned by the data provider. The local identifier is unique within the namespace, that is no other spatial object carries the same unique identifier. -- Description -- NOTE It is the responsibility of the data provider to guarantee uniqueness of the local identifier within the namespace.
- namespace CharacterString Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE The namespace value will be owned by the data provider of the spatial object and will be registered in the INSPIRE External Object Identifier Namespaces Register.
- versionId CharacterString The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object, with a maximum length of 25 characters. If the specification of a spatial object type with an external object identifier includes life-cycle information, the version identifier is used to distinguish between the different versions of a spatial object. Within the set of all versions of a spatial object, the version identifier is unique. -- Description -- NOTE The maximum length has been selected to allow for time stamps based on ISO 8601, for example, "2007-02-12T12:12:12+05:30" as the version identifier. NOTE 2 The property is void, if the spatial data set does not distinguish between different versions of the spatial object. It is missing, if the spatial object type does not support any life-cycle information.
name CharacterString The name of the geologic feature. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: a lithostratigraphic unit, mineral occurrence, or major fault. Not all GeologicFeatures will have names, for example minor faults.
profileType FoldProfileTypeValue The type of the fold. -- Description -- Folds are typed according to the concave/convex geometry of the fold relative to the earth surface, and the relationship to younging direction in folded strata if known. EXAMPLE: antiform, synform, anticline, syncline, etc.

Vis Fold i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
FoldProfileTypeValue 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype Fold supertype GeologicStructure