MineralForekomstType MineralDepositTypeValue MINERALFOREKOMSTTYPE
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
hvilken type forekomst registreringen gjelder, ofte basert på mineralogisk innhold
Values indicating the style of mineral occurrence or deposit.
-- Description --
Generally a local or regional term. Should be referenced for definitions and descriptions. Single deposit terms may form member of a Mineral Deposit Group in local and regional schemas.
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
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alluvialtGull |
alluvialtGull |
anortositt |
anortositt |
båndetJernformasjon |
båndetJernformasjon |
fosfor |
fosfor |
granittiskeBergarterOgPegmatitt |
granittiskeBergarterOgPegmatitt |
kalkholdig |
Organic deposits result from the concentration of organic matter on, or close to the surface, by sedimentation and early diagenesis.
kalkholdig |
karbonatitt |
karbonatitt |
knustBerg |
knust berg (pukk) |
knustBerg |
mafiskTilUltramafiskIntrusjon |
mafiskTilUltramafiskIntrusjon |
massivVulkanismeCuZnSulfidForekomst |
massivVulkanismeCuZnSulfidForekomst |
naturstein |
naturstein |
porfyrisk |
porfyrisk |
steintipp |
steintipp |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
..... |
alluvialtGull |
anortositt |
båndetJernformasjon |
fosfor |
granittiskeBergarterOgPegmatitt |
kalkholdig |
Organic deposits result from the concentration of organic matter on, or close to the surface, by sedimentation and early diagenesis.
karbonatitt |
knustBerg |
knust berg (pukk) |
mafiskTilUltramafiskIntrusjon |
massivVulkanismeCuZnSulfidForekomst |
naturstein |
porfyrisk |
steintipp |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
..... |
alluvialPlacer |
alluvialPlacer |
anorthosite |
anorthosite |
bandedIronFormationBIF |
bandedIronFormationBIF |
phosphorite |
phosphorite |
graniticIgneousRocksAndPegmatites |
graniticIgneousRocksAndPegmatites |
calcrete |
calcrete |
carbonatite |
carbonatite |
aggregate |
aggregate |
maficToUltramaficIntrusion |
maficToUltramaficIntrusion |
maficVolcanismCuZnMassiveSulphideDeposits |
maficVolcanismCuZnMassiveSulphideDeposits |
dimensionStone |
dimensionStone |
porphyry |
porphyry |
anthropogenicDeposit |
anthropogenicDeposit |
Vis MineralForekomstType i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
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1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
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