

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

Borehole specific index (or metadata) information
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
operator Organisation responsible for commissioning the borehole (as opposed to drilling the borehole) CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
driller The organisation responsible for drilling the borehole (as opposed to commissioning the borehole) CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
dateOfDrilling The date on which drilling of the borehole commenced (eg: 2010-01-24) TM_CalDate 1..1
drillingMethod Indicates the drilling method used. Appropriate terms would include Rotary; Shell & Auger; Downhole Air Hammer; Hand Auger etc BoreholeDrillingMethodCode (kodeliste) 1..1
startPoint Indicates the position relative to ground surface where the borehole commenced. Appropriate terms would include Drilled from Ground Surface; Drilled Underground; Drilled from Quarry Floor etc BoreholeStartPointCode (kodeliste) 1..1
nominalDiameter The starting diameter Quantity 1..1
inclinationType Indicates the inclination of the borehole. Appropriate terms would include vertical; inclined up; inclined down, horizontal BoreholeInclinationCode (kodeliste) 1..1
coredInterval Interval(s) within the borehole from which core was recovered Use GM_Envelope with 1-D CRS corresponding to borehole curve shape GM_Envelope 1..*
coreCustodian Organisation that is custodian of the core recovered from the borehole CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
TM_CalDate 1..1
BoreholeDrillingMethodCode 1..1
BoreholeStartPointCode 1..1
Quantity 1..1
BoreholeInclinationCode 1..1
GM_Envelope 1..*
CI_ResponsibleParty 1..1
Name Type English Description
operator CI_ResponsibleParty
driller CI_ResponsibleParty
dateOfDrilling TM_CalDate
drillingMethod BoreholeDrillingMethodCode
startPoint BoreholeStartPointCode
nominalDiameter Quantity
inclinationType BoreholeInclinationCode
coredInterval GM_Envelope
coreCustodian CI_ResponsibleParty

Vis BoreholeDetails i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
CI_ResponsibleParty 1 ..1
CI_ResponsibleParty 1 ..1
TM_CalDate 1 ..1
BoreholeDrillingMethodCode 1 ..1
BoreholeStartPointCode 1 ..1
Quantity 1 ..1
BoreholeInclinationCode 1 ..1
GM_Envelope 1 ..*
CI_ResponsibleParty 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon Borehole indexData BoreholeDetails 1