

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

This list is an indicative list only of terms used to describe the convention used for the orientation measurement. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group outside of this model.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
dip dip direction The orientation measurement consists of a dip and a dip direction. Dip is the angle that the structural surface (eg bedding, fault plane) makes with the horizontal measured perpindicular to the strike of the structure and in the vertical plane Dip direction is the azimuth perpindicular to the strike of the structure dip dip direction
strike dip right hand rule The strike and dip of planar data is listed according to the ‘right-hand rule’ or, as one looks along the strike direction, the surface dips to the right. Dip is the angle that the structural surface (eg bedding, fault plane) makes with the horizontal measured perpindicular to the strike of the structure and in the vertical plane strike dip right hand rule
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
dip dip direction The orientation measurement consists of a dip and a dip direction. Dip is the angle that the structural surface (eg bedding, fault plane) makes with the horizontal measured perpindicular to the strike of the structure and in the vertical plane Dip direction is the azimuth perpindicular to the strike of the structure
strike dip right hand rule The strike and dip of planar data is listed according to the ‘right-hand rule’ or, as one looks along the strike direction, the surface dips to the right. Dip is the angle that the structural surface (eg bedding, fault plane) makes with the horizontal measured perpindicular to the strike of the structure and in the vertical plane
Name Description Code value
dip dip direction
strike dip right hand rule

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1 ..1