

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

The association of an era with a stratotype is optional. In the GSSP approach recommended by ICS for the Global Geologic Timescale, Unit Stratotypes are not used. Rather, the association of an Era with geologic units and sections is indirect, via the association of an era with Boundaries, which are in turn tied to Stratotype Points, which occur within host Stratotype Sections. Note that the "German School" defines stratigraphic eras conceptually, without reference to stratotypes.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
name A localized term that acts as a human-readable label for the concept. This is not the concept identifier. LocalizedGenericName (primitivetype) 1..*
- language Name for language/locality; convention is to use ISO 639 standard language vocabulary IETF-RFC3066-Code (enumeration) 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
LocalizedGenericName 1..*
Name Type English Description
name LocalizedGenericName

Vis TimeOrdinalEra i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
LocalizedGenericName 1 ..*
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon end TimeOrdinalEraBoundary 1 previousEra TimeOrdinalEra 0..*
assosiasjon start TimeOrdinalEraBoundary 1 nextEra TimeOrdinalEra 0..*
assosiasjon component TimeOrdinalEra 1..* system TimeOrdinalReferenceSystem 0..*
assosiasjon group TimeOrdinalEra member TimeOrdinalEra 0..*
arv subtype GeochronologicEra supertype TimeOrdinalEra