

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

Any real world entity referred to by one or several proper nouns.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
beginLifespanVersion DateTime 1..1
endLifespanVersion DateTime 0..1
geometry GM_Object 1..1
inspireId Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
leastDetailedViewingResolution MD_Resolution 0..1
localType LocalisedCharacterString 1..*
mostDetailedViewingResolution MD_Resolution 0..1
name GeographicalName 1..*
relatedSpatialObject Identifier (datatype) 0..*
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
type NamedPlaceTypeValue (kodeliste) 1..*
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
GM_Object 1..1
Identifier 1..1
MD_Resolution 0..1
LocalisedCharacterString 1..*
MD_Resolution 0..1
GeographicalName 1..*
Identifier 0..*
NamedPlaceTypeValue 1..*
Name Type English Description
beginLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
endLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.
geometry GM_Object Geometry associated to the named place. This data specification does not restrict the geometry types. -- Description -- NOTE 1 The most common geometry types for a named place are a reference point (modelled as GM_Point), a more precise geometry of the footprint (typically modelled as GM_Curve or GM_Surface), or a bounding box (to be modelled as a GM_Surface). NOTE 2 If the geometry depicts the spatial footprint of the named place, a reference point and a bounding box could be derived from it. However, this specification does not require the explicit provision of any specific type of geometry such as bounding boxes or reference points. NOTE 3 To avoid any misunderstanding, note that null geometry is not allowed by this specification. NOTE 4 3D geometries are not really required for Geographical Names, but the model allows for it, so a data provider may publish it.
inspireId Identifier External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.
leastDetailedViewingResolution MD_Resolution Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance, above which the named place and its associated name(s) should no longer be displayed in a basic viewing service. -- Description -- NOTE 1This information may be used to determine if the names of the named place should be displayed at a given scale of display, only in the context of basic viewing services intending to show the content of the data set containing names. Even if this information is a valuable one for mapping in general, it is only approximate; cartographic services intending to produce high quality maps should certainly rely on other criteria and techniques for selecting names for the map. NOTE 2 Even if this attribute is "voidable" for practical reasons linked to its availability in data sources, this information may be of first importance for viewing services. There are great chances that viewing services will inefficiently manage named places having this attribute void. EXAMPLES The following examples use the equivalentScale attribute of MD_Resolution to express the attribute value. - Names of important cities in Europe may be displayed at all viewing scales greater than 1/5,000,000. In this case, the value of the attribute is 5,000,000 - Names of small hamlets may only be displayed from all viewing scale greater than 1/25,000. In this case, the value of the attribute is 25,000 - Names of countries may be displayed at any small scale. In this case, this attribute is not filled. NOTE 3 If the data set contain multiple representations of the same real world entity represented at different levels of detail, the scale ranges defined by the attributes leastDetailedViewingResolution and mostDetailedViewingResolution should not overlap, in order to avoid displaying the same names several times. NOTE 4 The geometry of the named place should have a level of detail (i.e. resolution, granularity, precision, etc.) roughly compatible with its associated viewing scales.
localType LocalisedCharacterString Characterisation of the kind of entity designated by geographical name(s), as defined by the data provider, given in at least in one official language of the European Union. -- Description -- SOURCE Adapted from [UNGEGN Manual 2007]. NOTE Local types may be defined in additional European languages, either EU official languages or other languages such as the language(s) of the geographical names provided.
mostDetailedViewingResolution MD_Resolution Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance, below which the named place and its associated name(s) should no longer be displayed in a basic viewing service. -- Description -- NOTE See Description of leastDetailedViewingResolution EXAMPLES The following examples use the equivalentScale attribute of MD_Resolution to express the attribute value. - Names of wide areas like mountain ranges may not be displayed at all in viewing scales greater than 1/100,000. In this case, the value of the attribute is 100,000 - Names of small hamlets may be displayed at any large scale. In this case, this attribute is not filled.
name GeographicalName Name of the named place.
relatedSpatialObject Identifier Identifier of a spatial object representing the same entity but appearing in other themes of INSPIRE, if any. -- Description -- NOTE If no identifier is provided with features of other INSPIRE themes, those features can of course not be referred by the NamedPlace.
type NamedPlaceTypeValue Characterisation of the kind of entity designated by geographical name(s). -- Description -- SOURCE Adapted from [UNGEGN Manual 2007]. NOTE 1 This attribute should be consistent with the attribute 'relatedSpatialObject'. More precisely, if the attribute 'relatedSpatialObject' is filled in, the attribute 'type' should be filled in, and its value(s) should be consistent with the spatial data theme(s) of the related object(s). NOTE 2 Even if this attribute may introduce some redundancy with the attribute 'relatedSpatialObject', it has to be filled in order to allow to use geographical names on their own without accessing to any other INSPIRE data set, which may be necessary in most cases.

Vis NamedPlace i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
DateTime 1 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
GM_Object 1 ..1
Identifier 1 ..1
MD_Resolution 0 ..1
LocalisedCharacterString 1 ..*
MD_Resolution 0 ..1
GeographicalName 1 ..*
Identifier 0 ..*
NamedPlaceTypeValue 1 ..*
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon AddressAreaName namedPlace NamedPlace 0..1