

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

An identification of the fixed location of property by means of a structured composition of geographic names and identifiers. -- Description -- NOTE 1 The spatial object, referenced by the address, is defined as the "addressable object". The addressable object is not within the application schema, but it is possible to represent the address' reference to a cadastral parcel or a building through associations. It should, however, be noted that in different countries and regions, different traditions and/or regulations determine which object types should be regarded as addressable objects. NOTE 2 In most situations the addressable objects are current, real world objects. However, addresses may also reference objects which are planned, under construction or even historical. NOTE 3 Apart from the identification of the addressable objects (like e.g. buildings), addresses are very often used by a large number of other applications to identify object types e.g. statistics of the citizens living in the building, for taxation of the business entities that occupy the building, and the utility installations. NOTE 4 For different purposes, the identification of an address can be represented in different ways (see example 3). EXAMPLE 1 A property can e.g., be a plot of land, building, part of building, way of access or other construction, EXAMPLE 2 In the Netherlands the primary addressable objects are buildings and dwellings which may include parts of buildings, mooring places or places for the permanent placement of trailers (mobile homes), in the UK it is the lowest level of unit for the delivery of services, in the Czech Republic it is buildings and entrance doors. EXAMPLE 3 Addresses can be represented differently. In a human readable form an address in Spain and an address in Denmark could be represented like this: "Calle Mayor, 13, Cortijo del Marqués, 41037 Écija, Sevilla, España" or "Wildersgade 60A, st. th, 1408 Copenhagen K., Denmark".
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
inspireId Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
alternativeIdentifier CharacterString 0..1
position GeographicPosition (datatype) 1..*
- geometry GM_Point 1..1
- specification GeometrySpecificationValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- method GeometryMethodValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- default Boolean 1..1
status StatusValue (kodeliste) 0..1
locator AddressLocator (datatype) 1..*
- designator LocatorDesignator (datatype) 0..*
- name LocatorName (datatype) 0..*
- level LocatorLevelValue (kodeliste) 1..1
validFrom DateTime 1..1
validTo DateTime 0..1
beginLifespanVersion DateTime 1..1
endLifespanVersion DateTime 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Identifier 1..1
CharacterString 0..1
GeographicPosition 1..*
StatusValue 0..1
AddressLocator 1..*
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
Name Type English Description
inspireId Identifier External object identifier of the address. -- Description -- NOTE 1 An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the addressable object. NOTE 2 The primary purpose of this identifier is to enable links between various sources and the address components. EXAMPLE An address spatial object from Denmark could carry this identifier: Namespace: DK_ADR Local identifier: 0A3F507B2AB032B8E0440003BA298018 Version identifier: 12-02-2008T10:05:01+01:00
alternativeIdentifier CharacterString External, thematic identifier of the address spatial object, which enables interoperability with existing legacy systems or applications. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Compared with the proper identifier of the address, the alternative identifier is not necessarily persistent in the lifetime of the address spatial object. Likewise it is usually not globally unique and in general does not include information on the version of the address spatial object. NOTE 2 Often alternative address identifiers are composed by a set of codes that, e.g., identify the region and the municipality, the thoroughfare name and the address number. These alternative identifiers will not remain persistent e.g. in the case of the merging of two municipalities. EXAMPLE In Denmark many legacy systems (e.g. in the Statistics Denmark or the Central Business Register) uses as address identification the three digit municipality code plus the four character street name code plus the address number.
position GeographicPosition Position of a characteristic point which represents the location of the address according to a certain specification, including information on the origin of the position.
status StatusValue Validity of the address within the life-cycle (version) of the address spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE This status relates to the address and is not a property of the object to which the address is assigned (the addressable object).
locator AddressLocator Human readable designator or name.
validFrom DateTime Date and time of which this version of the address was or will be valid in the real world. -- Description -- NOTE This date and time can be set in the future for situations where an address or a version of an address has been decided by the appropriate authority to take effect for a future date.
validTo DateTime Date and time at which this version of the address ceased or will cease to exist in the real world.
beginLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.
endLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded primarily for those systems which "close" an entry in the spatial data set in the event of an attribute change.

Vis Address i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Identifier 1 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1
GeographicPosition 1 ..*
StatusValue 0 ..1
AddressLocator 1 ..*
DateTime 1 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
DateTime 1 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon component AddressComponent 1..* Address
assosiasjon Address building AbstractConstruction 0..*
assosiasjon AddressRepresentation addressFeature Address 0..1
assosiasjon Address parentAddress Address 0..1
assosiasjon Address parcel CadastralParcel 0..*
Navn Beskrivelse
AddressCountry /* An address shall have an admin unit address component spatial object whose level is 1 (Country) */ inv: self.component -> forAll (a1 | exists(a1.parent.oclIsTypeOf(AdminUnitName) and a1.parent.level=1))
AddressPosition /* An address shall have exactly one default geographic position (default attribute of GeographicPosition must be true) */ inv: self.position -> one(a1 | a1.default = true)
EndLifeSpanVersion /* If date set endLifespanVersion must be later than beginLifespanVersion (if set) */ inv: self.endLifespanVersion.isAfter(self.beginLifespanVersion)