SluttbrukPotensial EndusePotentialValue SLUTTBRUKPOTENSIAL
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
bruksområde for type mineralressurs
Values indicating the end-use potential of the mineral.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: for energy, fertilizer, building raw material etc.
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
metaller |
metaller |
edelmetaller |
INSPIRE - Silver; Gold; Platinoids
general (Pt, Pd ..) |
edelmetaller |
jernlegeringsmetaller |
jernlegeringsmetaller |
naturstein |
INSPIRE - Building and dimension stone.
Natural Stone used in a block, flag or slate form for construction or decorative purposes, or artifacts, e.g. millstones. |
naturstein |
spesialmetaller |
Beryllium; Bismuth;
Cadmium; Germanium,
Gallium; Hafnium; Mercury;
Indium; Lithium; Rubidium,
Cesium; Rhenium; Rare
Earths (undifferentiated);
Antimony; Selenium;
Tantalum; Tellurium;
Titanium (ilmenite, rutile);
Zirconium (zircon,
baddeleyite) |
spesialmetaller |
industrimineraler |
INSPIRE - Industrial minerals
industrimineraler |
byggeråstoffer |
INSPIRE - Construction aggregates.
Any of several hard, inert materials, such as sand, gravel, slag, or crushed stone, used for mixing with a cementing or bituminous material to form concrete or asphalt or used alone, as in railroad ballast or graded fill. Excludes materials for cement making and plaster making. |
byggeråstoffer |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
metaller |
edelmetaller |
INSPIRE - Silver; Gold; Platinoids
general (Pt, Pd ..) |
jernlegeringsmetaller |
naturstein |
INSPIRE - Building and dimension stone.
Natural Stone used in a block, flag or slate form for construction or decorative purposes, or artifacts, e.g. millstones. |
spesialmetaller |
Beryllium; Bismuth;
Cadmium; Germanium,
Gallium; Hafnium; Mercury;
Indium; Lithium; Rubidium,
Cesium; Rhenium; Rare
Earths (undifferentiated);
Antimony; Selenium;
Tantalum; Tellurium;
Titanium (ilmenite, rutile);
Zirconium (zircon,
baddeleyite) |
industrimineraler |
INSPIRE - Industrial minerals
byggeråstoffer |
INSPIRE - Construction aggregates.
Any of several hard, inert materials, such as sand, gravel, slag, or crushed stone, used for mixing with a cementing or bituminous material to form concrete or asphalt or used alone, as in railroad ballast or graded fill. Excludes materials for cement making and plaster making. |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
metallicMinerals |
metallicMinerals |
preciousMetals |
preciousMetals |
ironAndFerroAlloyMetals |
ironAndFerroAlloyMetals |
buildingAndDimensionStone |
buildingAndDimensionStone |
rareMetals |
rareMetals |
industrialMinerals |
industrialMinerals |
constructionAggregates |
constructionAggregates |
Vis SluttbrukPotensial i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |