

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- particle size fraction type
share of the soil that is composed of mineral soil particles of the size within the size range specified. -- Description -- Mineral part of the soil, fractioned on the basis of size (diameter), limits of the particles. It is the fine earth fraction. That is, the portion of the soil that passes through a 2 mm diameter sieve opening. The grain (or particle) size distribution characterizes the soil mineral material, based on the share of each equivalent diameter class of the individual particles. SOURCE1 NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil survey laboratory information manual, Soil survey investigation report n.45 version 1.0 May 1995 pag. 11 SOURCE2 GLOSSARY OF SOIL SCIENCE TERMS
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
fractionContent -- Name -- fraction content Number 1..1
fractionParticleSizeRange -- Name -- fraction particle size range RangeType (datatype) 1..1
- upperValue -- Name -- upper value Real 0..1
- lowerValue -- Name -- lower value Real 0..1
- uom -- Name -- unit of measure UnitOfMeasure 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Number 1..1
RangeType 1..1
Name Type English Description
fractionContent Number Percentage of the defined fraction. -- Description -- SOURCE NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil survey laboratory information manual, Soil survey investigation report n.45 version 1.0 May 1995 pag. 11 NOTE sum of the percentages of all the fractions should be equal to 100 percentage EXAMPLE percentage value (weight/weight)
fractionParticleSizeRange RangeType upper and lower limit of the particle size of the defined fraction (expressed in µm) -- Description -- SOURCE NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil survey laboratory information manual, Soil survey investigation report n.45 version 1.0 May 1995 pag. 11 EXAMPLE upper limit = 63µm , lower limit =20µm

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Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Number 1 ..1
RangeType 1 ..1