

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- production facility
One or more installations on the same site operated by the same natural or legal person, designed, built or installed to serve specific production or industrial purposes, comprehending all infrastructure, equipment and materials. -- Description -- A production facility groups together a single installation, set of installations or production processes (stationary or mobile), which can be defined within a single geographical boundary, organizational unit or production process. A production facility can also be identified as one or more installations located on the same site that are operated by the same natural or legal person and in which production activities are being carried out. Such a facility groups potentially the land, buildings, and equipment used in carrying on an industrial business or other undertaking or service.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
surfaceGeometry GM_Surface 0..1
riverBasinDistrict RiverBasinDistrictValue (kodeliste) 0..1
status StatusType (datatype) 1..*
- statusType ConditionOfFacilityValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- description CharacterString 0..1
- validFrom Date 1..1
- validTo Date 0..1
inspireId -- Name -- INSPIRE identifier Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
thematicId -- Name -- thematic identifier ThematicIdentifier (datatype) 0..*
- identifier -- Name -- identifier CharacterString 1..1
- identifierScheme -- Name -- identifier scheme CharacterString 1..1
name -- Name -- name CharacterString 0..1
geometry -- Name -- geometry GM_Object 1..1
function -- Name -- function Function (datatype) 1..*
- activity -- Name -- activity EconomicActivityValue (kodeliste) 1..*
- input -- Name -- input InputOutputValue (kodeliste) 0..*
- output -- Name -- output InputOutputValue (kodeliste) 0..*
- description -- Name -- description PT_FreeText 0..1
validFrom -- Name -- valid from DateTime 1..1
validTo -- Name -- valid to DateTime 0..1
beginLifespanVersion -- Name -- begin lifespan version DateTime 1..1
endLifespanVersion -- Name -- end lifespan version DateTime 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Identifier (datatype) 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 0..1
ThematicIdentifier (datatype) 0..*
CharacterString 1..*
CharacterString 1..*
CharacterString 0..1
GM_Object 1..1
Function (datatype) 1..*
EconomicActivityValue (kodeliste) 1..*
InputOutputValue (kodeliste) 0..*
InputOutputValue (kodeliste) 0..*
PT_FreeText 0..*
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
GM_Surface 0..1
RiverBasinDistrictValue 0..1
StatusType 1..*
Name Type English Description
inspireId Identifier (datatype) External object identifier of the “Activity Complex”. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.
- localId CharacterString A local identifier, assigned by the data provider. The local identifier is unique within the namespace, that is no other spatial object carries the same unique identifier. -- Description -- NOTE It is the responsibility of the data provider to guarantee uniqueness of the local identifier within the namespace.
- namespace CharacterString Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE The namespace value will be owned by the data provider of the spatial object and will be registered in the INSPIRE External Object Identifier Namespaces Register.
- versionId CharacterString The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object, with a maximum length of 25 characters. If the specification of a spatial object type with an external object identifier includes life-cycle information, the version identifier is used to distinguish between the different versions of a spatial object. Within the set of all versions of a spatial object, the version identifier is unique. -- Description -- NOTE The maximum length has been selected to allow for time stamps based on ISO 8601, for example, "2007-02-12T12:12:12+05:30" as the version identifier. NOTE 2 The property is void, if the spatial data set does not distinguish between different versions of the spatial object. It is missing, if the spatial object type does not support any life-cycle information.
thematicId ThematicIdentifier (datatype) Thematic Activity Complex identifier. -- Description -- NOTE It may be the identification code provided or maintained by the Member States public authority to identify the object in the context of specific or general thematic scopes. EXAMPLE Assigned National PRTR Code.
- identifier CharacterString Unique identifier used to identify the spatial object within the specified identification scheme.
- identifierScheme CharacterString Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier. -- Description -- NOTE 1: Reporting requirements for different environmental legislation mandate that each spatial object is assigned an identifier conforming to specific lexical rules. NOTE 2: These rules are often inconsistent so a spatial object may be assigned multiple identifiers which are used for object referencing to link information to the spatial object.
name CharacterString Descriptive name of the “Activity Complex”. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Several names in different languages may be expressed. NOTE 2 It is recommended that the language of the name (part of the Geographical/Name data type) be filled whenever possible.
geometry GM_Object The geometry used to define the extent or position of the “Activity Complex”. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Based on the provided description, different geometries could be used to represent the Activity Complex as a one legal whole. EXAMPLE 1 E-prtr geometry is given by a single point based on Geographical Coordinates (see below). In other levels of detail or depending on the Data Provider this could be represented [e.g.] by a Multi-poligon. EXAMPLE 2 PRTR - Legal act example: “ … the latitude and longitude coordinates within an arc of 5 minutes that avoid the direct identification of an individual holding….”.
function Function (datatype) Activities performed by the activity complex. Function is described by the activity and potentially complemented with information about inputs and outputs as result of it. -- Description -- NOTE The Activity described as part of the Function “Activity Complex” should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary where a particular controlled vocabulary is in use within a given context, such as SIC codes in the UK, it is acceptable to use these, however, the preferred choice for European interoperability is whenever possible NACE [NACE].
- activity EconomicActivityValue (kodeliste) Categorized description of individual or organized set of technically related processes that are carried out by a economical unit, private or public, profit or non profit character. -- Description -- NOTE The Activity described as part of the Function for “Activity Complex” should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary where a particular controlled vocabulary is in use within a given context, such as SIC codes in the UK, it is acceptable to use these, however, the preferred choice for European interoperability is whenever possible NACE [NACE].
- input InputOutputValue (kodeliste) A classified or registered type of material or something immaterial, that enters a technical and economical unit according to its function. -- Description -- NOTE Depending on the thematic scope it can contain different values including terms as Biomass, Bio-Waste, Fuel, Organic Solvents, Waste Water, Waste for disposal or recovery, Primary Materials, ..
- output InputOutputValue (kodeliste) A classified or registered type of material or something immaterial, that leaves a technical and economical unit according to its function, ". -- Description -- NOTE Depending on the thematic scope it can contain different values including terms as Registered Pollutants, Waste, Processed Products, leakage, etc.
- description PT_FreeText A more detailed description of the function.
validFrom DateTime The time when the activity complex started to exist in the real world.
validTo DateTime The time when the activity complex no longer exists in the real world.
beginLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.
endLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded primarily for those systems which "close" an entry in the spatial data set in the event of an attribute change.
surfaceGeometry GM_Surface Spatial property of the spatial object with a value that is a vector geometry type from ISO 19107. -- Description -- This is the secondary geometry property for the Production Facility and it is set as an optional property to identify the location area for the Facility. It is intended, if available, to furnish a more detailed spatial information in addition to the basic mandatory geometry.
riverBasinDistrict RiverBasinDistrictValue Code identifier and/or name assigned to the basin district of a watercourse. -- Description -- NOTE Information required (not registered in the Hydrography Theme) according to Article 3(1) of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 1). Directive as amended by Decision No 2455/2001/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2001, p. 1).
status StatusType The state or condition of the facility, with regard to the functional and operational order, in which it is arranged for a limited or extended time period.

Vis ProductionFacility i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
GM_Surface 0 ..1
RiverBasinDistrictValue 0 ..1
StatusType 1 ..*
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon groupedInstallation ProductionInstallation 0..* groupingFacility ProductionFacility 1
assosiasjon hostingSite ProductionSite 0..1 hostedFacility ProductionFacility 1..*
assosiasjon groupedPlot ProductionPlot 0..* groupingFacility ProductionFacility 1..*
assosiasjon groupedBuilding ProductionBuilding 0..* groupedFacility ProductionFacility 1..
arv subtype ProductionFacility supertype ActivityComplex