UndersøkelseResultat ExplorationResultValue UNDERSOEKELSERESULTAT


Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Ukjent

verdiene som er skapt gjennom undersøkelsen
Values indicating the result of the exploration activity.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
anomalier Anomaly or anomalous area which geophysical or geochemical properties are different from areas around and which might indicate the presence of a mineralizing process in the vicinity. anomalier
anomalikart As above, but with a more limited size due to the narrowing of the area under prospection, and a more detailed internal structure (measurements often made on fine-mesh grids) anomalikart
antattPåvistForekomst Refinement of previous knowledge using statistical tools allowing for example interpolations between drill holes, and definition of enriched areas antattPåvistForekomst
detaljertProspekteringskart A detailed map with location of all the mineralized occurrences whatever their size and representation of their relationships with lithology, structures, alteration zones, anomalous areas, sampling analysis results.structuredAnomalies detaljertProspekteringskart
forbedringAvProspekteringskart Progressively reducing the surface area until the discovery of a mineral deposit. forbedringAvProspekteringskart
forstudierapport Technical economic study aimed at assessing the possibility to launching a mine venture. industrialTest forstudierapport
industritesting Intermediate phase between laboratory tests and actual plant. industritesting
mineralisering Identification of possible markers of a mineralized area. mineralisering
mineralressurskart The first attempts to roughly delineate the orebody, using reconnaissance drilling (percussion and then core drilling), to sample it in detail, and to approximately evaluate the resource using geological interpretation, beneficiation tests mineralressurskart
nøkkelmineraler Identification of particular minerals which may indicate a possible mineralized area or accompany a mineralizing process nøkkelmineraler
preliminærtProspekteringskart The first attempts to see (removal of overburdens, trenching) or to intercept (auger, subsurface percussion drilling), and to sample primary mineralization preliminærtProspekteringskart
påvistForekomst The presence of an ore body has been demonstrated using systematic core drilling and sometimes some preliminary mining workings. The external geometry of the ore body and its internal structure (including ore grade distribution) starts to be well-known. påvistForekomst
ukjent ukjent
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
anomalier Anomaly or anomalous area which geophysical or geochemical properties are different from areas around and which might indicate the presence of a mineralizing process in the vicinity.
anomalikart As above, but with a more limited size due to the narrowing of the area under prospection, and a more detailed internal structure (measurements often made on fine-mesh grids)
antattPåvistForekomst Refinement of previous knowledge using statistical tools allowing for example interpolations between drill holes, and definition of enriched areas
detaljertProspekteringskart A detailed map with location of all the mineralized occurrences whatever their size and representation of their relationships with lithology, structures, alteration zones, anomalous areas, sampling analysis results.structuredAnomalies
forbedringAvProspekteringskart Progressively reducing the surface area until the discovery of a mineral deposit.
forstudierapport Technical economic study aimed at assessing the possibility to launching a mine venture. industrialTest
industritesting Intermediate phase between laboratory tests and actual plant.
mineralisering Identification of possible markers of a mineralized area.
mineralressurskart The first attempts to roughly delineate the orebody, using reconnaissance drilling (percussion and then core drilling), to sample it in detail, and to approximately evaluate the resource using geological interpretation, beneficiation tests
nøkkelmineraler Identification of particular minerals which may indicate a possible mineralized area or accompany a mineralizing process
preliminærtProspekteringskart The first attempts to see (removal of overburdens, trenching) or to intercept (auger, subsurface percussion drilling), and to sample primary mineralization
påvistForekomst The presence of an ore body has been demonstrated using systematic core drilling and sometimes some preliminary mining workings. The external geometry of the ore body and its internal structure (including ore grade distribution) starts to be well-known.
Name Description Code value
anomalies anomalies
structuredAnomalies structuredAnomalies
oreDepositIndicatedAndEstimated oreDepositIndicatedAndEstimated
detailedProspectMapWithLocationOfMineralizedAreas detailedProspectMapWithLocationOfMineralizedAreas
prospectBoundariesRefinement prospectBoundariesRefinement
feasibilityStudyReportAvailableForMiningDecision feasibilityStudyReportAvailableForMiningDecision
industrialTest industrialTest
isolatedMineralizedStonesShowingsOccurrencesAlteredAreas isolatedMineralizedStonesShowingsOccurrencesAlteredAreas
mineralizationIndicated mineralizationIndicated
identificationOfKeyMinerals identificationOfKeyMinerals
mineralizationPrimaryReconnaissance mineralizationPrimaryReconnaissance
oreDepositIndicated oreDepositIndicated
unknown unknown

Vis UndersøkelseResultat i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
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