

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- maritime zone
A belt of sea defined by international treaties and conventions, where coastal State executes jurisdictional rights. -- Description -- NOTE 1 The zone is established for e.g. cadastral, administrative, economic, security or safety purposes. It is not established for environmental management or regulation, which is covered by the theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting areas, or for environmental protection, which is covered by the theme Protected sites. NOTE 2 The maritime zone can be either internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
beginLifeSpanVersion -- Name -- begin lifespan version DateTime 1..1
country -- Name -- country CountryCode (kodeliste) 1..1
endLifepanVersion -- Name -- end lifespan version DateTime 0..1
geometry -- Name -- geometry GM_MultiSurface 1..1
inspireId -- Name -- inspire id Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
name -- Name -- name GeographicalName 0..*
zoneType -- Name -- zone type MaritimeZoneTypeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
DateTime 1..1
CountryCode 1..1
DateTime 0..1
GM_MultiSurface 1..1
Identifier 1..1
GeographicalName 0..*
MaritimeZoneTypeValue 1..1
Name Type English Description
beginLifeSpanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
country CountryCode The country that this maritime zone belongs to.
endLifepanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.
geometry GM_MultiSurface Geometric representation of spatial area covered by this maritime zone.
inspireId Identifier External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.
name GeographicalName Name(s) of the maritime zone.
zoneType MaritimeZoneTypeValue Type of maritime zone.

Vis MaritimeZone i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
DateTime 1 ..1
CountryCode 1 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
GM_MultiSurface 1 ..1
Identifier 1 ..1
GeographicalName 0 ..*
MaritimeZoneTypeValue 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon boundary MaritimeBoundary 1..* MaritimeZone
assosiasjon MaritimeZone baseline Baseline 1..*