

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- Building geometry 2D
This data types includes the geometry of the building and metadata information about which element of the building was captured and how.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
geometry -- Name -- Geometry GM_Object 1..1
referenceGeometry -- Name -- Reference geometry Boolean 1..1
horizontalGeometryReference -- Name -- Horizontal geometry reference HorizontalGeometryReferenceValue (kodeliste) 1..1
verticalGeometryReference -- Name -- Vertical geometry reference ElevationReferenceValue (kodeliste) 0..1
horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy -- Name -- Horizontal geometry estimated accuracy Length 1..1
verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy -- Name -- Vertical geometry estimated accuracy Length 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
GM_Object 1..1
Boolean 1..1
HorizontalGeometryReferenceValue 1..1
ElevationReferenceValue 0..1
Length 1..1
Length 0..1
Name Type English Description
geometry GM_Object 2D or 2.5D geometric representation
referenceGeometry Boolean The geometry to be taken into account by view services, for portrayal. -- Description -- NOTE 1: In case of multiple representation by point and by surface, it is generally recommended to provide the surface as reference geometry. NOTE 2: The geometric representation whose referenceGeometry is true may also be used preferably for spatial queries by download services (WFS) or by Geographical Information System (GIS).
horizontalGeometryReference HorizontalGeometryReferenceValue Element of the building that was captured by (X,Y) coordinates.
verticalGeometryReference ElevationReferenceValue Element of the building that was captured by vertical coordinates.
horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy Length The estimated absolute positional accuracy of the (X,Y) coordinates of the building geometry, in the INSPIRE official Coordinate Reference System. Absolute positional accuracy is defined as the mean value of the positional uncertainties for a set of positions where the positional uncertainties are defined as the distance between a measured position and what is considered as the corresponding true position. -- Description -- NOTE: This mean value may come from quality measures on a homogeneous population of buildings or from an estimation based on the knowledge of the production processes and of their accuracy.
verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy Length The estimated absolute positional accuracy of the Z coordinates of the building geometry, in the INSPIRE official Coordinate Reference System. Absolute positional accuracy is defined as the mean value of the positional uncertainties for a set of positions where the positional uncertainties are defined as the distance between a measured position and what is considered as the corresponding true position. -- Description -- NOTE: This mean value may come from quality measures on a homogeneous population of buildings or from an estimation based on the knowledge of the production processes and of their accuracy.

Vis BuildingGeometry2D i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
GM_Object 1 ..1
Boolean 1 ..1
HorizontalGeometryReferenceValue 1 ..1
ElevationReferenceValue 0 ..1
Length 1 ..1
Length 0 ..1
Navn Beskrivelse
geometryIsPointOrSurfaceOrMultiSurface /*Geometry shall be of type GM_Point or GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface.*/
horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracyUoMIsMetre /* The value of horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters. */ inv: self.horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy.uom.uomSymbol='m'
referenceGeometry /*For exactly one item of BuildingGeometry, the value of the attribute referenceGeometry shall be 'true'.*/
verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracyUoMIsMetre /* The Value of verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy has to be given in meters.*/ inv: self.verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy.uom.uomSymbol='m'