

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- Holding
The whole area and all infrastructures included on it, covering the same or different "sites", under the control of an operator to perform agricultural or aquaculture activities. The holding includes one specialisation of ActivityComplex, ie. Activity. the values of ActivityType are expressed conform the classification of the economic activity of the holding, according to the NACE rev. 2.0 coding. Holding is a thematic extension of the generic Class “Activity Complex” shared with other thematic areas describing entities related with Economical Activities (Legal Entity Class – Business). -- Description -- Accessible at Eurostat repository from URL http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm? TargetUrl=LST_CLS_DLD&StrNom=NACE_REV2 &StrLanguageCode=EN&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIC. The valid nace codes are first level 01 and 03 second level 01.1 - 01.6 and 03.2 third level 01.11 - 01.64 and 03.21 - 03.22 01.7 hunting trapping an related services is exclude. 02. forestry and logging are excluded 03.1 fishing is excluded.

Vis Holding i NVDB Datakatalog