Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
maximum |
maximum |
minimum |
minimum |
average |
average |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
maximum |
minimum |
average |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
maximum |
The number of lanes is the maximum value for a given part of the road network.
-- Description --
SOURCE Adapted from [Euroroads].
minimum |
The number of lanes is the minimum value for a given part of the road network.
-- Description --
SOURCE [Euroroads].
average |
The number of lanes is the average value for a given part of the road network.
-- Description --
SOURCE [Euroroads].
Vis MinMaxLaneValue i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |