Produkt Product PRODUKT


Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Ukjent

produktet fra et masseuttak
Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is the mined ore or mined material. The product of a mine s.l. (excavation plus processing plant) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone for ornamental rocks.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
gehalt relativ mengde eller prosentandel av malminnhold i en malmkropp Quantity 1..1
kildeReferanse referanse til produktinformasjon DokumentasjonReferanse (kodeliste) 1..*
produksjon mengde av produkt som er produsert Quantity 1..1
produkt type produkt ProduktVerdi (kodeliste) 1..1
utvinningsgrad prosentandel av verdifull bestanddel fra utvinning Quantity 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Quantity 1..1
DokumentasjonReferanse 1..*
Quantity 1..1
ProduktVerdi 1..1
Quantity 1..1
Name Type English Description
gehalt Quantity grade The relative quantity or percentage of ore mineral content in an orebody. (Could be Feed Grade, ore grade)
kildeReferanse DokumentasjonReferanse sourceReference The reference(s) for the product information. CI_Citation data type cannot be serialised in GML 3.1, only as an xlink reference.
produksjon Quantity production Quantity of product produced during the activity
produkt ProduktVerdi product The type of product. -- Description -- Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is the mined ore or mined material. The product of a mine s.l. (excavation plus processing plant) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone for ornamental rocks.
utvinningsgrad Quantity recovery The percentage of valuable constituent derived from an ore, or of coal from a coal seam; a measure of mining or extraction efficiency. (Recovery rate is usually expressed as a percent).

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Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Quantity 1 ..1
DokumentasjonReferanse 1 ..*
Quantity 1 ..1
ProduktVerdi 1 ..1
Quantity 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon MasseUttakAktivitetUtvidelse producedMaterial Produkt 1..*