Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
produktet fra et masseuttak
Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is the mined ore or mined material. The product of a mine s.l. (excavation plus processing plant) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone for ornamental rocks.
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
gehalt |
relativ mengde eller prosentandel av malminnhold i en malmkropp
Quantity |
1..1 |
kildeReferanse |
referanse til produktinformasjon
1..* |
produksjon |
mengde av produkt som er produsert
Quantity |
1..1 |
produkt |
type produkt
1..1 |
utvinningsgrad |
prosentandel av verdifull bestanddel fra utvinning
Quantity |
1..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
gehalt |
Quantity |
grade |
The relative quantity or percentage of ore mineral content in an orebody. (Could be Feed Grade, ore grade) |
kildeReferanse |
sourceReference |
The reference(s) for the product information. CI_Citation data type cannot be serialised in GML 3.1, only as an xlink reference. |
produksjon |
Quantity |
production |
Quantity of product produced during the activity |
produkt |
product |
The type of product.
-- Description --
Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is the mined ore or mined material. The product of a mine s.l. (excavation plus processing plant) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone for ornamental rocks. |
utvinningsgrad |
Quantity |
recovery |
The percentage of valuable constituent derived from an ore, or of coal from a coal seam; a measure of mining or extraction efficiency. (Recovery rate is usually expressed as a percent). |