

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

--definition-- A set of codes to represent the degree of isolation present in the aggregation unit in relation to the natural range of the species --description-- Source: Natura 2000 SDF
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
isolated isolated
notIsolatedButMarginal notIsolatedButMarginal
notIsolatedAndInExtendedRange notIsolatedAndInExtendedRange
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
Name Type English Description
isolated The occerrences/population are/is isolated or almost isolated.
notIsolatedButMarginal The occurrences/population are/is not isolated, but on the margins of the area of distribution.
notIsolatedAndInExtendedRange The occurrences/population are/is not isolated and is within an extended distribution range.

Vis IsolationValue i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1