

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

Defines categories for different types of hydrographic network nodes.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
boundary boundary
flowConstriction flowConstriction
flowRegulation flowRegulation
junction junction
outlet outlet
source source
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
Name Description Code value
boundary Node used to connect different networks. -- Description -- NOTE Can be used to connect cross border networks or adjacent networks together. Differs from source / outlet in that in the real world there is an adjacent link that is not present in the dataset supplied.
flowConstriction A network node unrelated to the network topology per se, but associated with a hydrographic point of interest or facility, or a man-made object, that affects the network flow. -- Description -- NOTE May include dams, widenings and other obstructions in the watercourse.
flowRegulation A network node unrelated to the network topology per se, but associated with a hydrographic point of interest or facility, or a man-made object, that regulates the network flow. -- Description -- NOTE May include weirs, pumping stations and hydro power plants as well as abstraction and discharge into / from the watercourse.
junction Node where three or more links are coincident. -- Description -- NOTE Includes all nodes at which different watercourses or watercourse branches merge into one (confluence) and where watercourses fork and divide (bifurcations).
outlet Ending node of a series of interconnected links. -- Description -- NOTE Does not have an downstream output link. Includes sinks and watercourse mouths.
source Starting node of a series of interconnected links. -- Description -- NOTE Does not have an upstream input link. Includes springs and seeps.

Vis HydroNodeCategoryValue i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1