

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

A network reference that is restricted to part of a linear network element. The part is the part of the network element between fromPosition and toPosition.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
fromPosition Length 1..1
toPosition Length 1..1
offset Length 0..1
applicableDirection LinkDirectionValue (kodeliste) 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
LinkDirectionValue (kodeliste) 1..1
Length 1..1
Length 1..1
Length 0..1
Name Type English Description
applicableDirection LinkDirectionValue (kodeliste) The directions of the generalised link to which the reference applies. In cases where a property does not apply <i>to</i> a direction along a link, but represents a phenomenon <i>along</i> a link, &ldquo;inDirection&rdquo; refers to the right side in the direction of the link. -- Description -- EXAMPLE A speed limit is a property that applies to a direction of the link (or both directions) while a house number is a phenomenon along a link.
fromPosition Length The start position of the linear element, expressed as the distance from the start of the linear network element along its curve geometry.
toPosition Length The end position of the linear element, expressed as the distance from the start of the linear network element along its curve geometry.
offset Length An offset from the centerline geometry of the generalised link, where applicable; a positive offset is to the right in the direction of the link, a negative offset is to the left.

Vis SimpleLinearReference i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Length 1 ..1
Length 1 ..1
Length 0 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype SimpleLinearReference supertype LinkReference