

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- report to legal act
Information on the involvement of an AbstractMonitoringFeature in reporting. The information is specific per submitted reporting envelope and not per obligation/agreement. -- Description -- From INSPIRE perspective, an AbstractMonitoringFeature requires the provision of ISO 19156 compliant observations & measurements only in the case that these have been required by a legal reporting obligation or a commonly agreed voluntarily data flow using INSPIRE EF dataspecification for the definition of datastructure.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
legalAct LegislationCitation () 1..1
- identificationNumber -- Name -- identification number CharacterString 0..1
- officialDocumentNumber -- Name -- official document number CharacterString 0..1
- dateEnteredIntoForce -- Name -- date entered into force TM_Position 0..1
- dateRepealed -- Name -- date repealed TM_Position 0..1
- level -- Name -- name LegislationLevelValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- journalCitation -- Name -- journal citation OfficialJournalInformation (datatype) 0..1
reportDate DateTime 1..1
reportedEnvelope URI 0..1
observationRequired Boolean 1..1
observingCapabilityRequired Boolean 1..1
description CharacterString 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
LegislationCitation 1..1
DateTime 1..1
URI 0..1
Boolean 1..1
Boolean 1..1
CharacterString 0..1
Name Type English Description
legalAct LegislationCitation LegalAct which is reported to.
reportDate DateTime Time of reporting.
reportedEnvelope URI Link to the reported data set according to the date indicated in the attribute reportDate.
observationRequired Boolean Indicates whether an observation is required for the AbstractMonitoringFeature.
observingCapabilityRequired Boolean Indicates whether the observingCapability is required for the AbstractMonitoringFeature.
description CharacterString Additional information on the actual data reported.

Vis ReportToLegalAct i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
LegislationCitation 1 ..1
DateTime 1 ..1
URI 0 ..1
Boolean 1 ..1
Boolean 1 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1