

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent. -- Description -- SOURCE [INSPIRE Directive:2007]. NOTE As much as possible, in the INSPIRE context, cadastral parcels should be forming a partition of national territory. Cadastral parcel should be considered as a single area of Earth surface (land and/or water), under homogeneous real property rights and unique ownership, real property rights and ownership being defined by national law (adapted from UN ECE 2004 and WG-CPI, 2006). By unique ownership is meant that the ownership is held by one or several joint owners for the whole parcel.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
areaValue Area 0..1
beginLifespanVersion DateTime 1..1
endLifespanVersion DateTime 0..1
geometry GM_Object 1..1
inspireId Identifier (datatype) 1..1
- localId CharacterString 1..1
- namespace CharacterString 1..1
- versionId CharacterString 0..1
label CharacterString 1..1
nationalCadastralReference CharacterString 1..1
referencePoint GM_Point 0..1
validFrom DateTime 0..1
validTo DateTime 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Area 0..1
DateTime 1..1
DateTime 0..1
GM_Object 1..1
Identifier 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
GM_Point 0..1
DateTime 0..1
DateTime 0..1
Name Type English Description
areaValue Area Registered area value giving quantification of the area projected on the horizontal plane of the cadastral parcel.
beginLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
endLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.
geometry GM_Object Geometry of the cadastral parcel. -- Description -- As much as possible, the geometry should be a single area.
inspireId Identifier External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.
label CharacterString Text commonly used to display the cadastral parcel identification. -- Description -- NOTE 1 The label is usually the last part of the national cadastral reference. NOTE 2 The label can be used for label in portrayal.
nationalCadastralReference CharacterString Thematic identifier at national level, generally the full national code of the cadastral parcel. Must ensure the link to the national cadastral register or equivalent. -- Description -- The national cadastral reference can be used also in further queries in national services.
referencePoint GM_Point A point within the cadastral parcel. -- Description -- EXAMPLE The centroid of the cadastral parcel geometry.
validFrom DateTime Official date and time the cadastral parcel was/will be legally established. -- Description -- NOTE This is the date and time the national cadastral reference can be used in legal acts.
validTo DateTime Date and time at which the cadastral parcel legally ceased/will cease to be used. -- Description -- NOTE This is the date and time the national cadastral reference can no longer be used in legal acts.

Vis CadastralParcel i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Area 0 ..1
DateTime 1 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
GM_Object 1 ..1
Identifier 1 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1
GM_Point 0 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon Address parcel CadastralParcel 0..*
assosiasjon CadastralParcel administrativeUnit AdministrativeUnit 0..1
assosiasjon CadastralParcel basicPropertyUnit BasicPropertyUnit 0..*
assosiasjon CadastralParcel zoning CadastralZoning 0..1
assosiasjon CadastralParcel 0..* Site 0..*
assosiasjon BuildingAndBuildingUnitInfo cadastralParcel CadastralParcel 0..*
assosiasjon CadastralBoundary parcel CadastralParcel 1..2
Navn Beskrivelse
areaValueUoM /* Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters. */ inv: self.areaValue.uom.uomSymbol='m2'
endLifespanVersion /* If set, the date endLifespanVersion shall be later than beginLifespanVersion. */ inv: self.endLifespanVersion .isAfter(self.beginLifespanVersion)
geometryType /* Type of geometry shall be GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface */ inv: geometry.oclIsKindOf(GM_Surface) or geometry.oclIsKindOf(GM_MultiSurface)
validTo /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */ inv: self.validTo .isEqual(self.validFrom) or self.validTo .isAfter(self.validFrom)