Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_176B5F26_5E01_4e8b_AC20_C23EA95B9072;Planned Land Use;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_309D78D5_D801_48ec_B601_BC3A4FAF6868;Planned Land Use Lists;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_880F9C84_F5CB_4cb7_AC80_658B24A79C4A;PlannedLandUseDataTypes;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_171E2B4B_60B3_44eb_BADE_70C81614D6EC;Planned Land Use Overview;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_C7C30326_C889_4324_8735_8BF3390764CC;Planned Land Use New Layout;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;SpatialPlan;-- Name -- spatial plan -- Definition -- A set of documents that indicates a strategic direction for the development of a given geographic area, states the policies, priorities, programmes and land allocations that will implement the strategic direction and influences the distribution of people and activities in spaces of various scales. Spatial plans may be developed for urban planning, regional planning, environmental planning, landscape planning, national spatial plans, or spatial planning at the Union level. ;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_AE962B1D_4643_4b21_A3A2_AFF91D0B2804;OfficialDocumentation;"-- Name -- official documentation -- Definition -- The official documentation that composes the spatial plan; it may be composed of, the applicable legislation, the regulations, cartographic elements, descriptive elements that may be associated with the complete spatial plan, a zoning element or a supplementary regulation . In some Member States the actual textual regulation will be part of the data set (and can be put in the regulationText attribute), in other Member States the text will not be part of the data set and will be referenced via a reference to a document or a legal act. At least one of the three voidable values shall be provided. -- Description -- NOTE: The LegislationCitation is the value type of the attribute regulation reference. An example of a regulation reference would be: /ruimtelijk/grup/00350/00362_00001/data/ 212_00362_00001_d_0BVR.pdf. ";objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;ZoningElement;-- Name -- zoning element -- Definition -- A spatial object which is homogeneous regarding the permitted uses of land based on zoning which separate one set of land uses from another. -- Description -- Zoning elements refer to the regulation of the kinds of activities which will be acceptable on particular lots (such as open space, residential, agricultural, commercial or industrial). The intensity of use at which those activities can be performed (from low-density housing such as single family homes to high-density such as high-rise apartment buildings), the height of buildings, the amount of space that structures may occupy, the proportions of the types of space on a lot, such as how much landscaped space, impervious surface, traffic lanes, and parking may be provided. ;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;SupplementaryRegulation;-- Name -- supplementary regulation -- Definition -- A spatial object (point, line or polygon) of a spatial plan that provides supplementary information and/or limitation of the use of land/water necessary for spatial planning reasons or to formalise external rules defined in legal text. -- Description -- NOTE the supplementary regulations affects all land use that overlap with the geometry EXAMPLE an air field generates restriction in its surroundings regarding aircraft landing, radar and telecommunication devices. It is the buffer around these artefacts that generates the supplementary regulation on the Land Use.;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_0D00C75E_7632_472f_BAC3_2C7F2CE7B163;DimensioningIndicationIntegerValue;-- Name -- dimension indication integer value -- Definition -- Dimensioning indication whose value is of type integer.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_217D94B3_6766_4b06_81EF_87D74D39AC07;DimensioningIndicationMeasureValue;-- Name -- dimension indication measure value -- Definition -- Dimensioning indication whose value is a measure.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_3E92C4D0_2271_4a52_B3C1_781E495BCF43;DimensioningIndicationRealValue;-- Name -- dimension indication real value -- Definition -- Dimensioning indication whose value is a floating point number.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_7BF116B0_855B_4598_96AC_ACD93FAF18F0;DimensioningIndicationCharacterValue;-- Name -- dimension indication character value -- Definition -- Dimensioning indication whose value is of type CharacterString.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_B1348A5A_FA46_4c30_A63C_74B4B3A366BA;BackgroundMapValue;-- Definition -- Information regarding the map that has been used as a background in the definition of a spatial plan, a zoning element or a supplementary regulation.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_CFB29CD1_9923_4988_BB79_54F0DC73174A;DimensioningIndicationValue;-- Name -- Dimension Indication -- Definition -- Specifications about the dimensioning of the urban developments.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_D1DDDD9F_4C7A_4d63_8123_561C810BF723;OrdinanceValue;-- Definition -- Reference to administrative ordinance. Ordinance is a regulation/rule that is adopted by an authority that is legally mandated to take such ordinance.;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_4FB93026_B77D_4848_B072_62B4906EC359;LevelOfSpatialPlanValue;-- Name -- level of spatial plan -- Definition -- Territorial hierarchy of plan.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_5634B183_BC91_4cc4_9019_60CA65D437E0;SpecificSupplementaryRegulationValue;-- Name -- specific supplementary regulation value -- Definition -- Category of supplementary regulation provided in a specific nomenclature of supplementary regulations provided by the data provider. The allowed values for this code list comprise any values defined by data providers.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_5B4806A8_9205_4f25_924C_743DD7A648CA;RegulationNatureValue;-- Name -- regulation nature -- Definition -- Legal nature of the land use indication.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_A47C4EC1_C54B_479b_B54F_D639F61969D0;PlanTypeNameValue;-- Name -- plan type name value -- Definition -- Types of plans as defined in the Member States. The allowed values for this code list comprise any values defined by data providers. -- Description -- NOTE For each plan type name a level of spatial plan must be provided using the enumeration LevelOfSpatialPlanValue ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_BB4AFE65_6455_4220_8076_67D0938FFCDB;ProcessStepGeneralValue;-- Name -- process step general -- Definition -- General indication of the step of the planning process that the plan is undergoing. -- Description -- NOTE This enumeration contains values that are common to most planning systems.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_DB3CCCE9_DDCA_4a22_8064_3445D841F1D4;SupplementaryRegulationValue;-- Name -- supplementary regulation value -- Definition -- Types of conditions and constraints in spatial plans. -- Description -- This list is populated with the categories of the Hierarchical Supplementary Regulation Code List (HSRCL).;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use EAID_0D00C75E_7632_472f_BAC3_2C7F2CE7B163;value;;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\DimensioningIndicationIntegerValue EAID_217D94B3_6766_4b06_81EF_87D74D39AC07;value;;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\DimensioningIndicationMeasureValue EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the spatial plan. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;extent;-- Definition -- Geometrical union of all the instances of the spatial objects ZoningElement and SupplementaryRegulation. When a SpatialPlan is only composed of a document, the attribute extent is the border of the cartographic image that contains the land use information (i.e. the land use map extent).;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;officialTitle;-- Definition -- Official title of the spatial plan.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;levelOfSpatialPlan;-- Name -- level of spatial plan -- Definition -- Level of the administrative units covered by the plan. -- Description -- Member states should make a mapping to this enumeration.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;validFrom;-- Definition -- First date at which this spatial plan is valid in reality.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;validTo;-- Definition -- The time from which the spatial plan no longer exists in the real world.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;alternativeTitle;-- Definition -- Alternative (unofficial) title of the spatial plan. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;planTypeName;-- Definition -- Name of the type of plan that the Member State has given to the plan. -- Description -- NOTE The admissible values for this attribute are managed at the member state level via a code list EXAMPLE: FR: DTA, SCOT, PLU, etc. DE: Bebauungsplan, Flächennutzungsplan, Regionalplan, Landesentwicklungsplan NL: bestemmingsplan, structuurvisie.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;processStepGeneral;-- Definition -- General indication of the step of the planning process that the plan is undergoing. -- Description -- NOTE This enumeration contains values that are common to most planning systems. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;backgroundMap;-- Name -- background map -- Definition -- Identification of the background map that has been used for constructing this Plan.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_36E6F66A_E65B_42e9_882E_1638C6F0E86A;ordinance;-- Definition -- Reference to relevant administrative ordinance. -- Description -- NOTE This attribute is multiple because, independently from the current legal status of the plan, there can be references to more than one ordinance, in relation to the different steps that the planning process has already undergone (e.g. ordinance for the preparation of a new plan, ordinance of adoption, ordinance of approval, etc.).;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SpatialPlan EAID_3E92C4D0_2271_4a52_B3C1_781E495BCF43;value;;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\DimensioningIndicationRealValue EAID_7BF116B0_855B_4598_96AC_ACD93FAF18F0;value;-- Definition -- value of the dimension indications.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\DimensioningIndicationCharacterValue EAID_AE962B1D_4643_4b21_A3A2_AFF91D0B2804;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of this spatial textual regulation. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OfficialDocumentation EAID_AE962B1D_4643_4b21_A3A2_AFF91D0B2804;legislationCitation;-- Definition -- Reference to the document that contains the text of the regulation.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OfficialDocumentation EAID_AE962B1D_4643_4b21_A3A2_AFF91D0B2804;regulationText;-- Definition -- Text of the regulation.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OfficialDocumentation EAID_AE962B1D_4643_4b21_A3A2_AFF91D0B2804;planDocument;-- Definition -- Citation of scanned plans and structural drawings which may sometimes be geo-referenced or not,. E.g. raster images, vector drawings or scanned text.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OfficialDocumentation EAID_B1348A5A_FA46_4c30_A63C_74B4B3A366BA;backgroundMapDate;-- Name -- background map date -- Definition -- Date of the background map used.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\BackgroundMapValue EAID_B1348A5A_FA46_4c30_A63C_74B4B3A366BA;backgroundMapReference;-- Definition -- Reference to the background map that has been used.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\BackgroundMapValue EAID_B1348A5A_FA46_4c30_A63C_74B4B3A366BA;backgroudMapURI;-- Name -- background map URI -- Definition -- URI referring to service that provides background map.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\BackgroundMapValue EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;geometry;-- Definition -- Geometry of this zoning element;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;validFrom;-- Definition -- The date when the phenomenon started to exist in the real world.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;validTo;-- Definition -- The time from which the phenomenon no longer exists in the real world.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;hilucsLandUse;-- Definition -- Land use HILUCS class that is dominant in this land use object. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;hilucsPresence;-- Name -- land use presence -- Definition -- Actual presence of a land use HILUCS category wihtin the object. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;specificLandUse;-- Definition -- Land Use Category according to the nomenclature specific to this data set. -- Description -- Reference to an entry in the classfication that is part of the SpecificLandUseClassification.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;specificPresence;-- Name -- land use presence -- Definition -- Actual presence of a land use category wihtin the object.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;regulationNature;-- Definition -- Legal nature of the land use indication. -- Description -- NOTE Indicates whether the land use indication is legally binding or not. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;processStepGeneral;-- Definition -- General indication of the step of the planning process that the zoning element is undergoing. -- Description -- NOTE This enumeration contains values that are common to most planning systems.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;backgroundMap;-- Name -- background map -- Definition -- Identification of the background map that has been used for constructing this zoning element.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_B434F50A_427F_40c6_97A7_2F00B24D70B0;dimensioningIndication;-- Definition -- Specifications about the dimensioning of the urban developments.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\ZoningElement EAID_CFB29CD1_9923_4988_BB79_54F0DC73174A;indicationReference;-- Definition -- Description of the dimension indication.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\DimensioningIndicationValue EAID_D1DDDD9F_4C7A_4d63_8123_561C810BF723;ordinanceDate;-- Definition -- Date of the relevant administrative ordinance. -- Description -- NOTE This attribute is multiple because, independently from the current legal status of the plan, there can be references to the dates of more than one ordinance, in relation to the different steps that the planning process has already undergone (e.g. ordinance for the preparation of a new plan, ordinance of adoption, ordinance of approval, etc.).;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OrdinanceValue EAID_D1DDDD9F_4C7A_4d63_8123_561C810BF723;ordinanceReference;-- Definition -- Reference to relevant administrative ordinance. -- Description -- NOTE This attribute is multiple because, independently from the current legal status of the plan, there can be references to more than one ordinance, in relation to the different steps that the planning process has already undergone (e.g. ordinance for the preparation of a new plan, ordinance of adoption, ordinance of approval, etc.).;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\OrdinanceValue EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;validFrom;-- Definition -- First date at which this version of this supplementary regulation is valid in reality.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;validTo;-- Definition -- The time from which the supplementary regulation is no longer valid.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;specificSupplementaryRegulation;-- Definition -- Reference to a category of supplementary regulation provided in a specific nomenclature of supplementary regulations provided by the data provider.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;processStepGeneral;-- Definition -- General indication of the step of the planning process that the supplementary regulation is undergoing. -- Description -- NOTE This enumeration contains values that are common to most planning systems.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;backgroundMap;-- Name -- background map -- Definition -- Identification of the background map that has been used for constructing the supplementary regulation.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;dimensioningIndication;-- Definition -- Specifications about the dimensioning that are added to the dimensioning of the zoning elements that overlap the geometry of the supplementary regulation.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;geometry;-- Definition -- Geometry of the piece of land on which the supplementary regulation applies.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;inheritedFromOtherPlans;-- Name -- inherited from other plans -- Definition -- Indication whether the supplementary regulation is inherited from another spatial plan.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;specificRegulationNature;"-- Name -- specific regulation nature -- Definition -- Legal nature of the land use regulation from a national perspective. -- Description -- On member state level the legal classification for plan regulations may be complex. A supplementary regulation may be principally ""bindingOnlyForAuthorities"" but according to national law this regulation have to be more specified to explain the specific degree of binding. (e.g. on state or regional planning level in Germany: principles of spatial planning, other spatial planning requirements or goals of spatial planning). NOTE This attribute complements the information provided by the attribute regulationNature.";egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;name;-- Definition -- Official name of the supplementary regulation;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;regulationNature;-- Definition -- Legal nature of the land use regulation. -- Description -- NOTE Indicates whether the land use regulation is legally binding or not.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation EAID_F9099300_6425_4b77_A7EC_9AF168443A3C;supplementaryRegulation;-- Definition -- Code of the supplementary regulation from the hierarchical supplementary regulation code list agreed at the European level.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Planned Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Planned Land Use\SupplementaryRegulation