Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_814D2053_3084_4d6d_8DAA_9811EF89ECD7;Protected Sites Simple;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected SitesProtected Sites EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;ProtectedSite;-- Definition -- An area designated or managed within a framework of international, Community and Member States' legislation to achieve specific conservation objectives. -- Description -- Each protected site has a boundary defined through formal, legal or administrative agreements or decisions. The establishment of a protected site is normally underpinned by legislation and thus given weight in decisions about land use change and spatial planning. Each Site is normally selected as a representative example of a wider resource and selected through a formal criterion based approach. A protected site can be a contiguous extent of land/sea or a collection of discrete areas that together represent a single formal Protected Site. This class has the attributes, constraints and associations that are part of the Simple application schema. ;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_01781BA5_3F94_4808_A8BC_65BBC16D7D0E;DesignationType;-- Definition -- A data type designed to contain a designation for the Protected Site, including the designation scheme used and the value within that scheme. ;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_36E8BA44_8760_4f51_83C8_AC29EA48DFB8;UNESCOWorldHeritageDesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the World Heritage designation scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_54C52FEC_015D_4ded_A77C_55AD454C78CB;UNESCOManAndBiosphereProgrammeDesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the World Heritage Man and Biosphere Programme classification scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_99A4EE90_EAF7_4e1d_94B1_215F5C01ACE6;RamsarDesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the Ramsar Convention designatoin scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_A32DCA9A_3152_4d20_A879_4C43998E6AAB;Natura2000DesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the Natura2000 designation scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_AA35552E_9958_4844_BEE4_F175C3D59802;NationalMonumentsRecordDesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the National Monuments Record classification scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_E0F5281E_DC74_4fa4_89D7_F09E60348053;IUCNDesignationValue;-- Definition -- A code list for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature classification scheme.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_E16385B6_33FF_476d_BFCE_2C7061329A84;DesignationSchemeValue;-- Definition -- The scheme used to assign a designation to the Protected Sites. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Schemes may be internationally recognised (for example, Natura2000 or the Emerald Network schemes), or may be national schemes (for example, the designations used for nature conservation in a particular Member State). NOTE 2 Typically, this code list will be extended with code schemes used within Member States.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_F15A9997_B5FA_4843_A675_33261C7DE6C0;DesignationValue;-- Definition -- Abstract base type for code lists containing the classificaiton and desigation types under different schemes. -- Description -- NOTE 1Some of these designation and classification lists are closed (for example, Natura2000), while some change regularly. NOTE 2 Typically, additional code lists will be created as sub-types of this type to represent designation or classification values within Member States, e.g. natuurbeschermingsGebieden, rijksBeschermdeArcheologischeGebieden, nationaleParken, nationaleLandschappen etc. in the Netherlands.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_01781BA5_3F94_4808_A8BC_65BBC16D7D0E;designationScheme;-- Definition -- The scheme from which the designation code comes.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\DesignationType EAID_01781BA5_3F94_4808_A8BC_65BBC16D7D0E;designation;-- Definition -- The actual Site designation.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\DesignationType EAID_01781BA5_3F94_4808_A8BC_65BBC16D7D0E;percentageUnderDesignation;-- Definition -- The percentage of the site that falls under the designation. This is used in particular for the IUCN categorisation. If a value is not provided for this attribute, it is assumed to be 100%;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\DesignationType EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;natureConservation;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of biological diversity.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;archaeological;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of archaeological heritage.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;cultural;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of cultural heritage.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;ecological;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of ecological stability.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;landscape;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of landscape characteristics.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;environment;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of environmental stability.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;geological;-- Definition -- The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of geological characteristics.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectionClassificationValue EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;geometry;-- Definition -- The geometry defining the boundary of the Protected Site. -- Description -- The geometry may be determined by a wide range of methods, including surveying, digitisation or visual reference to natural features or cadastral boundaries and may be defined by the legal document that creates the protected area. The geometry included in a data set that uses this data model is stored as a fixed geometry by coordinates, not by reference to natural, cadastral or administrative boundaries, although it may originally have been defined from these. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;inspireID;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the protected site. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;legalFoundationDate;-- Definition -- The date that the protected site was legally created. This is the date that the real world object was created, not the date that its representation in an information system was created. -- Description -- NOTE In the case of Natura2000 sites, a protected site may go through several different stages (for example, proposed as SCI, confirmed as SCI, designated as SAC). A new version of the site is created for each of these different stages (because there is a change in the designation), and the new version should have the date on which the new stage was legally assigned as the legalFoundationDate (for example, when designated as a SAC, the version for the SAC would have the designation date as the legalFoundationDate). ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;legalFoundationDocument;-- Definition -- A URL or text citation referencing the legal act that created the Protected Site.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;siteDesignation;-- Definition -- The designation (type) of Protected Site. -- Description -- At least one designation is required, but designations may be available using a number of different designation schemes, all of which can be accommodated in the DesignationSchemeValue codelist. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;siteName;-- Definition -- The name of the Protected Site. -- Description -- NOTE 1 Several names in different languages may be expressed. NOTE 2 It is recommended that the language of the name (part of the GeographicalName data type) be filled where ever possible. This is an important identifying attribute of a Protected Site. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_72169CE1_E265_455a_9C10_A730AE588AE8;siteProtectionClassification;-- Definition -- The classification of the protected site based on the purpose for protection. -- Description -- The site may have more than one classification. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple\ProtectedSite EAID_4C0D09DF_2810_4672_A6BA_155262E4F497;ProtectionClassificationValue;-- Definition -- The protected site classification based on the purpose of protection.;enumeration;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple EAID_A7F49419_23ED_4b4d_A3EE_FE97AAF086B5;Percentage;-- Definition -- A percentage value, being an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive.;type;4.0;Gyldig;Protected Sites Simple;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex I\Protected Sites\Protected Sites Simple