Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_A849C370_989D_4fb5_9D12_E0F0AD3B08E6;Context diagram: ObservationProcess;;diagram;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0WaterML2.0 EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;ObservationProcess;"A large number of direct in-situ hydrological observations are performed by a sensor or sensor system. Common types of sensors include rain gauges, level gauges, quality sensors such as temperature, turbidity etc. Manual procedures may be also used to make measurements at a particular sampling point. These may be ad-hoc visits to particular point that may be of interest, or continued visits to a well identified sampling point. Procedures that generate derived or synthetic results also exist, such as those produced by algorithms or simulations. Algorithms are commonly implemented in hydrological software to process data sets for reporting or other purposes. Examples include: - Temporal interpolation or aggregation; - Spatial interpolation; - Quality assurance related tasks such as automatic spike removal or gap filling; - Derivation of new observed phenomena such as calculation of volume from stage, discharge (flow) from stage etc.";objekttype;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures EAID_F55CE4A5_8FD9_41a2_9229_41AB8ACE3A39;ProcessTypeCode;;kodeliste;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;aggregationPeriod;A list of the inputs used in the process. This may be a list of references to the data sets used (e.g. model input series) or a input array to an algorithm. ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;verticalDatum;Specifies the datum that is used as the zero point for level measurements. This can be process-specific as opposed the gauge at the actual monitoring point. ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;input;A list of the inputs used in the process. This may be a list of references to the data sets used (e.g. model input series) or a input array to an algorithm. ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;comment;Comments specific to the process from the operator. ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;parameter;A defintion of the type of process used in the observation. This may be a Sensor, ManualMethod, Algorithm or Simulation (including models). ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;processReference;Reference to an external process definition. ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess EAID_C3230D97_EC23_4854_B55E_E96A4DD81306;processType;A defintion of the type of process used in the observation. This may be a Sensor, ManualMethod, Algorithm or Simulation (including models). ;egenskap;;Gyldig;Procedures;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\OGC\WaterML2.0\Procedures\ObservationProcess