Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_D61A9FD7_2744_4805_B304_160C748E7D39;Grid Land Use;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land UseLand Use EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;ExistingLandUseGrid;-- Name -- existing land use grid -- Definition -- An existing land use grid is a collection of pixels for which information on existing (present or past) land use is provided. The HILUCS system shall be used for classification.;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;name;-- Definition -- Human readable name of the data set.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the sampled land use data grid. -- Description -- NOTE An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;extent;-- Name -- extent -- Definition -- Contains the extent of the data set. -- Description -- NOTE Extents may be specified in space, time or space-time.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;validFrom;-- Definition -- First date at which this grid is a valid representation of reality.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid EAID_34246F94_54DC_49f6_992B_87DB6686F86B;validTo;-- Definition -- The time from which the grid is no longer a valid representation of reality.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;Gridded Land Use;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Land Use\Gridded Land Use\ExistingLandUseGrid