Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_C858A716_2B6D_4333_AC4F_B9F02AC86473;Floods;;diagram;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk ZonesNatural Risk Zones EAID_60E576D0_EADB_4be1_9886_8415C0B2847A;PotentialFloodedArea;--Definition-- SOURCE : [Flood Directive 2007/60/CE] Potential flooded areas as defined in Chapter III, article 6, paragraph 3 of Directive 2007/60/CE ;objekttype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_7927C789_85CF_496d_95FB_BEC0EEEF9867;PotentialFloodedAreaElement;-- Definition -- SOURCE : [Flood Directive 2007/60/CE] An element of a potential flooded area, for which data about water height and/or water level, flood of flow and / or velocity of flow, is provided. ;objekttype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_88417241_6FF7_426d_A49D_6CE486F8D99A;InundatedLand;-- Definition -- A tract periodically covered by flood water, excluding tidal waters. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD]. NOTE 1 It may be caused by either uncontrolled inundation (for example: flooding due to a river overflowing its banks or low-lying regions accumulating standing water following severe rainfall) or controlled inundation (for example: flooded by the regulation of the level of a reservoir). [DFDD]. NOTE 2 Inundation for irrigation purposes is excluded. NOTE 3 Regarded as a candidate spatial object in Annex III theme 'Natural risk zones' due to the relationship (by definition) with flooding.;objekttype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_42407834_A37D_4af5_9D8D_5A275B0C9ADE;ObservedConsequences;-- Definition -- Observed consequences of the event. ;datatype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_816D888A_C705_4763_92C7_11AC880F9012;FD_PreliminaryFRAssessment;"-- Definition -- SOURCE : [Flood Directive 2007/60/CE] Document as defined in Chapter II, article 4, paragraph 2 of Directive 2007/60/CE. -- Description -- Based on available or readily derivable information, such as records and studies on long term developments, in particular impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods, a preliminary flood risk assessment shall be undertaken to provide an assessment of potential risks. The assessment shall include at least the following: (a) maps of the river basin district at the appropriate scale including the borders of the river basins, sub-basins and, where existing, coastal areas, showing topography and land use; (b) a description of the floods which have occurred in the past and which had significant adverse impacts on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity and for which the likelihood of similar future events is still relevant, including their flood extent and conveyance routes and an assessment of the adverse impacts they have entailed; (c) a description of the significant floods which have occurred in the past, where significant adverse consequences of similar future events might be envisaged; and, depending on the specific needs of Member States, it shall include: (d) an assessment of the potential adverse consequences of future floods for human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity, taking into account as far as possible issues such as the topography, the position of watercourses and their general hydrological and geomorphological characteristics, including floodplains as natural retention areas, the effectiveness of existing manmade flood defence infrastructures, the position of populated areas, areas of economic activity and long-term developments including impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods. ";datatype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_9C99336C_05BA_45cc_A1B8_F53C4571CBC4;FD_FloodHazardMap;-- Definition -- SOURCE : [Flood Directive 2007/60/CE] Map as defined in Chapter III, article 6, paragraph 3 of Directive 2007/60/CE. ;datatype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_FC86CA0E_5BDF_43af_9530_9D3A3F3D3AE9;FD_FloodRiskMap;-- Definition -- SOURCE : [Chapter III, article 6, paragraph 5 of Directive 2007/60/CE] Flood risk maps show the potential adverse consequences expressed in terms of the type of the economic activity affected under each flood scenario (defined as 'potential flooded area' in the model). ;datatype;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_ECBBE9CC_4257_4741_8956_5C962E16C961;InundationValue;-- Definition -- The type of a land subject to inundation. ;kodeliste;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model EAID_42407834_A37D_4af5_9D8D_5A275B0C9ADE;typeOfConsequence;"-- Definition -- A classification of the type of consequences. -- Description -- Consequences are one or more of the following : ""Human health, social"", ""Environment"", ""Cultural heritage"", ""Economic activity"" ";egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\ObservedConsequences EAID_42407834_A37D_4af5_9D8D_5A275B0C9ADE;assessmentOfConsequence;-- Definition -- A defined assessment of consequences. -- Description -- It can be a number of dead people, total damage in percentage of GDB, etc. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\ObservedConsequences EAID_816D888A_C705_4763_92C7_11AC880F9012;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_PreliminaryFRAssessment EAID_816D888A_C705_4763_92C7_11AC880F9012;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_PreliminaryFRAssessment EAID_816D888A_C705_4763_92C7_11AC880F9012;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the preliminary flood risk assessment. -- Description -- An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_PreliminaryFRAssessment EAID_816D888A_C705_4763_92C7_11AC880F9012;reference;-- Definition -- A reference to the Prelininary Flood Risk Assessment document. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_PreliminaryFRAssessment EAID_88417241_6FF7_426d_A49D_6CE486F8D99A;dateOfObservation;-- Definition -- Date of commencement. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\InundatedLand EAID_88417241_6FF7_426d_A49D_6CE486F8D99A;observedConsequences;-- Definition -- The observed consequences of the past flood event. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\InundatedLand EAID_9C99336C_05BA_45cc_A1B8_F53C4571CBC4;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodHazardMap EAID_9C99336C_05BA_45cc_A1B8_F53C4571CBC4;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodHazardMap EAID_9C99336C_05BA_45cc_A1B8_F53C4571CBC4;inspireId;-- Definition -- External object identifier of the flood hazard map. -- Description -- An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodHazardMap EAID_9C99336C_05BA_45cc_A1B8_F53C4571CBC4;reference;-- Definition -- A reference to the Flood Hazard Map document. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodHazardMap EAID_D0F0EF98_F679_4678_AFA8_BB94D02A9F2A;low;-- Definition -- Floods with a likely return period usually between 200 and 1000 years (or extreme events). ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\ProbabilityOfFlood EAID_D0F0EF98_F679_4678_AFA8_BB94D02A9F2A;medium;-- Definition -- Floods with a likely return period usually between 100 and 200 years (2007/60/EC = 100 years). ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\ProbabilityOfFlood EAID_D0F0EF98_F679_4678_AFA8_BB94D02A9F2A;high;-- Definition -- Floods with a likely return period usually between 5 and 50 years. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\ProbabilityOfFlood EAID_FC86CA0E_5BDF_43af_9530_9D3A3F3D3AE9;beginLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodRiskMap EAID_FC86CA0E_5BDF_43af_9530_9D3A3F3D3AE9;endLifespanVersion;-- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodRiskMap EAID_FC86CA0E_5BDF_43af_9530_9D3A3F3D3AE9;inspireId;"-- Definition -- External object identifier of the flood risk map. -- Description -- ""An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ";egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodRiskMap EAID_FC86CA0E_5BDF_43af_9530_9D3A3F3D3AE9;reference;-- Definition -- A reference to the Flood Risk map document. ;egenskap;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model\FD_FloodRiskMap EAID_D0F0EF98_F679_4678_AFA8_BB94D02A9F2A;ProbabilityOfFlood;-- Definition -- An assessment of the level probability the flood can occur on the area. -- Description -- [2007/60/EC]. A flood can have a low probability of occurrence, a medium probability of occurrence or a high probability of occurence. ;enumeration;2.0;Gyldig;Floods_Example_Model;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Natural Risk Zones\Floods_Example_Model