Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk ikke behandlet av noe politisk organ;;A;not considered by any political body ;;not considered by any political body behandlet av politisk organ, tatt til etterretning;;B;considered by political body, taken under advisement;;considered by political body, taken under advisement behandlet av politisk organ etter plan- og bygningsloven, ingen klar status;;C;considered by political body according to the Planning and Building Act, status not resolved ;;considered by political body according to the Planning and Building Act, status not resolved behandlet av politisk organ etter plan- og bygningsloven, status som veiledninge retningslinje til kommuneplanens arealdel;;D;considered by political body according to the Planning and Building Act, status as ??advisory guideline to the land use part of the municipal master plan ;;considered by political body according to the Planning and Building Act, status as ??advisory guideline to the land use part of the municipal master plan behanbdlet av et politisk organ som del av en landbruksplan eller temaplan innen næringsutvikling, primærnæringer eller liknende;;E;considered by a political body as part of an agricultural plan or ??thematic plan within business development, primary industries or similar ;;considered by a political body as part of an agricultural plan or ??thematic plan within business development, primary industries or similar ukjent status;;F;unknown status;;unknown status