Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk Skog under fornying, tilfredsstillende ryddet;;11;Forest under renewal, satisfactorily cleared ;;Forest under renewal, satisfactorily cleared Skog under fornying, ikke tilfredsstillende ryddet;;12;Forest under renewal, unsatisfactorily cleared ;;Forest under renewal, unsatisfactorily cleared Ungskog, tilfredsstillende tetthet;;21;Young forest, satisfactory density ;;Young forest, satisfactory density Ungskog med mindre tilfredsstillende tetthet;;22;Young stand with less than satisfactory density ;;Young stand with less than satisfactory density Yngre produksjonsskog, tilfredsstillende tetthet;;31;Relatively young productive forest, satisfactory density ;;Relatively young productive forest, satisfactory density Yngre produksjonsskog, mindre tilfredsstillende tetthet;;32;Relatively young productive forest, satisfactory density ;;Relatively young productive forest, satisfactory density Eldre produksjonsskog, tilfredsstillende tetthet;;41;Relatively old productive forest, satisfactory density ;;Relatively old productive forest, satisfactory density Eldre produksjonsskog, mindre tilfredsstillende tetthet;;42;Relatively old productive forest, less than satisfactory density;;Relatively old productive forest, less than satisfactory density Gammel skog, tilfredsstillende tetthet;;51;Old forest, satisfactory density ;;Old forest, satisfactory density Gammel skog, mindre tilfredsstillende tetthet;;52;Old forest, less than satisfactory density ;;Old forest, less than satisfactory density