Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk Allé;;D1303;Avenue ;;Avenue Alm-lindeskog;;F0105;Elm - linden forest ;;Elm - linden forest Artsfattig fordyne;;G0301;Seaside dune perimeter with few species ;;Seaside dune perimeter with few species Artsrik lavlandsform under gjengroing;;E0303;Lowland area, rich in various species, becoming overgrown ;;Lowland area, rich in various species, becoming overgrown Artsrikt mose- og lavsamfunn;;E0401;Moss and lichen community, rich in various species ;;Moss and lichen community, rich in various species Askehage;;D0506;Ash grove ;;Ash grove Atlantisk høgmyr;;A0802;Atlantic high-lying?? marsh ;;Atlantic high-lying?? marsh Ballastplass;;D1501;Ballast site ;;Ballast site Beiteskog;;D0601;Grazing forest ;;Grazing forest Bekk i intensivt drevet jordbrukslandskap;;E0605;Stream in intensive agricultural landscape ;;Stream in intensive agricultural landscape Bekk og elvestrekning;;E1102;Stretch of stream or river ;;Stretch of stream or river Bekk på kalkgrunn;;E0606;Stream on calcareous subsurface ;;Stream on calcareous subsurface Bekkekløft;;F0901;Stream ravine ;;Stream ravine Bergknaus og -flate;;B0102;Rock outcropping and rock face ;;Rock outcropping and rock face Bergknaus og rasmark;;C0104;Rock outcropping and slide landscape ;;Rock outcropping and slide landscape Bergvegg;;F0902;??Rockface/Rocky wall ;;??Rockface/Rocky wall Betydelig flompåvirket kroksjø og dam;;E0301;Significantly flood-influenced oxbow lake and pond ;;Significantly flood-influenced oxbow lake and pond Bjørkehage;;D0501;Birch grove ;;Birch grove Blanding mellom nedbørsmyr og jordvannsmyr;;A0804;Mixture of precipitation marsh and groundwater marsh ;;Mixture of precipitation marsh and groundwater marsh Blanding mellom ombrotrofe og minerotrofe myrtyper;;A0702;Mix between ombrotrophic and minerotrophic marsh types ;;Mix between ombrotrophic and minerotrophic marsh types Blåtoppeng;;D0102;Molinia (moor grass) meadow ;;Molinia (moor grass) meadow Boreonemoral blandingsskog;;F1301;Boreonemoral mixed forest ;;Boreonemoral mixed forest Brakkvannssjø;;G0203;Brackish lake ;;Brackish lake Brenningshule;;B0502;Surf cave ;;Surf cave Bukter og viker;;E1202;Bays and coves ;;Bays and coves Bygningsstruktur med spesiell flora eller fauna;;D1402;Built-up/building structure with special flora or fauna ;;Built-up/building structure with special flora or fauna Bøkeskog;;F0202;Beech forest ;;Beech forest Dynetrau i tilknytning til flyvesandområder;;G0303;Dune trough in connection with eolian sand areas ;;Dune trough in connection with eolian sand areas Eikehage;;D0503;Oak grove ;;Oak grove Eikeskog;;F0201;Oak forest ;;Oak forest Einer-rose-utforming;;B0202;Western juniper - rose community ;;Western juniper - rose community Einerhage/einerbakke;;D0502;Juniper grove / juniper hill ;;Juniper grove / juniper hill Ekstremrik myr i høyereliggende områder;;A0506;Extremely rich marsh in higher areas ;;Extremely rich marsh in higher areas Eldre fisketom dam;;E0903;Older pond devoid of fish ;;Older pond devoid of fish Elveørkratt;;E0403;River delta thicket ;;River delta thicket Ett-årig meldetangvoll;;G0602;Annual sea orache mound??;;Annual sea orache mound?? Evje;;E1201;Shallows/backwater ;;Shallows/backwater Fattig utforming;;E0201;Poor ??community/conditions??;;Poor ??community/conditions?? Ferskvannspåvirket driftvoll;;G0604;??Drift mound affected by freshwater;;??Drift mound affected by freshwater Finnskjegg- og sauesvingeleng ;;D0105;Mat-grass and sheep's fescue meadow ;;Mat-grass and sheep's fescue meadow Flatmyr;;A0703;Flat marsh ;;Flat marsh Flerårig gras/urtetangvoll;;G0603;Perennial grass/herb kelp mound ;;Perennial grass/herb kelp mound Flommarksskog;;F0501;Flood plain forest ;;Flood plain forest Forekomst av lind;;F0205;Occurrence of linden/small-leaved lime ;;Occurrence of linden/small-leaved lime Frisk baserik eng;;D0110;??Healthy/Sound/Green base-rich meadow ;;??Healthy/Sound/Green base-rich meadow Frisk fattigeng;;D0104;??Healthy/Sound poor meadow ;;??Healthy/Sound poor meadow Frisk kalkfuruskog;;F0302;Healthy lime pine forest ;;Healthy lime pine forest Frisk næringsrik "gammeleng";;D0114;;; Frisk næringsrik "natureng";;D0113;;; Frisk/tørr, middels baserik eng;;D0107;??Healthy/Sound / dry, moderately ??base-rich meadow ;;??Healthy/Sound / dry, moderately ??base-rich meadow Frisk/tørr, middels baserik eng i høyereliggende strøk og nordpå;;D0108;??Healthy/Sound / dry, moderately ??base-rich meadow in higher regions and in the north ;;??Healthy/Sound / dry, moderately ??base-rich meadow in higher regions and in the north Frisk/tørr, middels baserik eng i nordlige kontinentale strøk;;D0109;Fresh/medium base-rich meadow in northern continental regions ;;Fresh/medium base-rich meadow in northern continental regions Fuglepåvirket strandberg;;G0903;Beach rock outcropping, ??affected by birds ;;Beach rock outcropping, ??affected by birds Fuktig fattigeng;;D0101;Moist, poor meadow ;;Moist, poor meadow Fuktig furu-hasselskog;;F1203;Damp, pine-hazel forest ;;Damp, pine-hazel forest Fuktig kystskog;;F0703;Damp coastal forest ;;Damp coastal forest Fuktig lynghei;;D0703;Damp calluna heathland ;;Damp calluna heathland Fuktig, overrislet bergflate;;B0104;Damp, irrigated rock surface ;;Damp, irrigated rock surface Gamelt ospeholt;;F0701;Old aspen grove ;;Old aspen grove Gammel bjørkesuksesjon;;F0702;Old birch succession ;;Old birch succession Gammel furuskog;;F0802;Old pine forest ;;Old pine forest Gammel granskog;;F0801;Old fir forest ;;Old fir forest Gammel, mindre flompåvirket kroksjø og dam;;E0302;Old, less flood-affected oxbow lake and pond ;;Old, less flood-affected oxbow lake and pond Gammelt brannfelt med fattig utforming;;F1003;Old fire zone with poor community ;;Old fire zone with poor community Gammelt brannfelt med rikere utforming;;F1004;Old fire zone with richer community ;;Old fire zone with richer community Gammelt tre;;D1204;Old tree ;;Old tree Glissen granskog med stort innslag av lauvtrær;;F1102;Sparse fir forest with large number of deciduous trees ;;Sparse fir forest with large number of deciduous trees Grus- og steinstrand med spesiell flora;;G0403;Gravelly, sandy beach with special flora ;;Gravelly, sandy beach with special flora Gruve;;B0504;Mine ;;Mine Gråor-almeskog;;F0106;Grey alder - elm forest ;;Grey alder - elm forest Gårdsdam;;E0901;Farm pond ;;Farm pond Hasselhage;;D0509;Hazel grove ;;Hazel grove Hasselkratt;;F0204;Hazel thicket ;;Hazel thicket Havgras/tjønnaks-undervannseng;;G0202;??(Widgeon weed/Sea grass)/Pond weed - underwater meadow ;;??(Widgeon weed/Sea grass)/Pond weed - underwater meadow Hevdet med beite;;G0503;Maintained by grazing ;;Maintained by grazing Hevdet med slått;;G0502;Maintained by mowing ;;Maintained by mowing Hult tre;;D1203;Hollow tree ;;Hollow tree Høstingsskog med edellauvtrær;;D1801;Harvest forest with broadleaf hardwood trees ;;Harvest forest with broadleaf hardwood trees Høstingsskog med eik;;D1802;Harvest forest with oak ;;Harvest forest with oak Høstingsskog med fjellbjørk;;D1805;Harvest forest with mountain birch ;;Harvest forest with mountain birch Høstingsskog med gråor;;D1804;Harvest forest with grey alder ;;Harvest forest with grey alder Høstingsskog med hassel;;D1803;Harvest forest with hazel ;;Harvest forest with hazel Høyereliggende innsjø;;E1001;??Alpine/High altitude lake ;;??Alpine/High altitude lake Industritomt;;D1504;Industrial site ;;Industrial site Innsjø;;E1101;Lake ;;Lake Isdam;;E0902;Ice pond ;;Ice pond Jordvannsmyr;;A0803;Groundwater marsh ;;Groundwater marsh Kalkbjørkeskog;;F0303;Lime birch forest ;;Lime birch forest Kalkbrudd;;D1503;Lime quarry ;;Lime quarry Kalkfattig utforming;;E0802;Lime-deficient ??community ;;Lime-deficient ??community Kalkgranskog;;F0304;Lime fir forest ;;Lime fir forest Kalkrik og/eller sørvendt bergvegg;;B0101;Calcareous and/or south-facing rock wall ;;Calcareous and/or south-facing rock wall Kalkrik tjønnaks-sjø;;E0702;??Calcareous/Lime-rich, pondweed lake ;;??Calcareous/Lime-rich, pondweed lake Kantsamfunn;;D1106;Fringe community ;;Fringe community Karstgrotte;;B0501;Karst grotto ;;Karst grotto Kilde i lavlandet;;A0601;Lowland spring ;;Lowland spring Kilde over sørboreal;;A0603;Spring above ??southern/sub-boreal ;;Spring above ??southern/sub-boreal Kirkegård;;D1301;Churchyard/Graveyard ;;Churchyard/Graveyard Kompleks med meandrerende elveparti, kroksjø og dam;;E0304;Complex of meandering stretch of river, oxbow lake and pond ;;Complex of meandering stretch of river, oxbow lake and pond Kortvokst, åpen, artsrik saltsiveng på skjellsand;;G0505;Short, open, brackish-mud rush field on shell sand ;;Short, open, brackish-mud rush field on shell sand Kransalgesjø;;E0701;Charales lake ;;Charales lake Kystfjellhei;;D0705;Coastal mountain heath ;;Coastal mountain heath Lauveng med dunbjørk;;D1703;Deciduous meadow with downy/hairy birch ;;Deciduous meadow with downy/hairy birch Lauveng med edellauvtrær;;D1701;Deciduous meadow with broadleaf hardwood trees ;;Deciduous meadow with broadleaf hardwood trees Lauveng med hengebjørk;;D1702;Deciduous meadow with weeping birch ;;Deciduous meadow with weeping birch Lavrik utforming;;B0401;Lichen-rich community ;;Lichen-rich community Leside;;C0102;Leeward side ;;Leeward side Lier med storvier i indre Troms og Nordland;;F0404;Hillsides with ??(osage orange / large willow) in Indre Troms and Nordland ;;Hillsides with ??(osage orange / large willow) in Indre Troms and Nordland Liskog/raviner;;F0502;Hillside forest / ravines ;;Hillside forest / ravines Lite myrtjern og myrpytt;;E1002;Small marsh pond and marsh puddle ;;Small marsh pond and marsh puddle Lite og mindre formrikt delta;;E0102;Small and less detailed delta ;;Small and less detailed delta Lågurt-bøkeskog;;F0102;Low herb - beech forest ;;Low herb - beech forest Lågurt-eikeskog;;F0101;Low herb - oak forest ;;Low herb - oak forest Lågurtkalkskog i kyststrøk;;F0306;Low herb lime forest in coastal region ;;Low herb lime forest in coastal region Lågurtutforming med spredte høgstauder;;F0402;Low herbacious community with scattered tall perennials ;;Low herbacious community with scattered tall perennials Meandrerende parti med naturlig kantsone;;E0601;Meandering stretch with natural edge zone ;;Meandering stretch with natural edge zone Moserik fjellheiutforming;;B0403;Moss-rich, mountain heath community ;;Moss-rich, mountain heath community Moserik utforming;;E0501;Moss-rich community ;;Moss-rich community Mølletomt;;D1505;Mill site ;;Mill site Nordlig frodig bjørkeskog;;F0403;Northern lush birch forest ;;Northern lush birch forest Nytt brannfelt med fattig utforming;;F1001;New fire zone with poor community ;;New fire zone with poor community Nytt brannfelt med rikere utforming;;F1002;New fire zone with richer community;;New fire zone with richer community Næringsrik utforming;;E0801;Nutrient-rich community ;;Nutrient-rich community Or-askekog;;F0107;Red alder - ash forest ;;Red alder - ash forest Orehage;;D0507;Alder grove ;;Alder grove Oseanisk lågurt-furuskog;;F1202;Oceanic low herb pine forest ;;Oceanic low herb pine forest Overgang til sump, saltpanne, strandeng etc.;;G0402;Transition to sump, salt pan, beach meadow, etc. ;;Transition to sump, salt pan, beach meadow, etc. Park;;D1302;Park ;;Park Parti som binder sammen andre naturmiljø;;E0603;Stretch which binds/connects together other natural environments ;;Stretch which binds/connects together other natural environments Purpurlyng-furuskog;;F1201;Bell heather - pine forest ;;Bell heather - pine forest Purpurlynghei;;D0706;Bell heather ??moor/heath ;;Bell heather ??moor/heath Rabbe;;C0101;Ridge ;;Ridge Rasmark;;B0103;Avalanche flat ;;Avalanche flat Ravinebekk;;E0602;Ravine stream ;;Ravine stream Ren granskog med lite lauvtrær;;F1101;Near-monoculture fir forest with few deciduous trees ;;Near-monoculture fir forest with few deciduous trees Ren høgstaudeutforming;;F0401;Near-monoculture tall perennial community;;Near-monoculture tall perennial community Rik sjøsprøytsprekk;;G0904;Rich sea spray crack ;;Rich sea spray crack Rik skog- og krattbevokst myr;;A0501;Rich marsh overgrown with trees and bushes ;;Rich marsh overgrown with trees and bushes Rik sumpskog;;F0601;Rich swamp forest ;;Rich swamp forest Rik utforming;;E0202;Rich ??community/conditions ;;Rich ??community/conditions Rikt hasselkratt;;F0103;Rich hazel thicket ;;Rich hazel thicket Røsslyng-bjønnkamhei;;D0704;Scotch/Common heather - ??(deer fern / saw fern / hardfern) heath ;;Scotch/Common heather - ??(deer fern / saw fern / hardfern) heath Sand- og grustak;;D1401;Sand and gravel pit ;;Sand and gravel pit Sandstrand med tangvoller;;G0401;Sandy beach with kelp mounds ;;Sandy beach with kelp mounds Seljehage;;D0508;Goat willow grove ;;Goat willow grove Serpentinfuruskog;;F0305;Serpentine pine forest ;;Serpentine pine forest Skjøttet/styvet;;D1202;??Attended to / tilled;;??Attended to / tilled Skogholt med engpartier;;D1105;Forest grove/copse with meadow areas ;;Forest grove/copse with meadow areas Slagghaug fra gruveindustri;;D1502;Slag heap from mining industry ;;Slag heap from mining industry Slåpetorn-hagtorn-utforming;;B0201;Sloe/blackthorn - hawthorn community ;;Sloe/blackthorn - hawthorn community Snøleie;;C0103;Snow hollow ;;Snow hollow Stabil utforming på moserik, grovsteinet blokkmark;;B0106;Stable community on moss-rich, coarse boulder land ;;Stable community on moss-rich, coarse boulder land Steingjerde;;D1108;Stone wall ;;Stone wall Steinrøys;;D1107;??Rockpile / Boulder ??scree/field;;??Rockpile / Boulder ??scree/field Stor sandur-utforming;;E0404;Large outwash plain community ;;Large outwash plain community Store og flate flyvesandområder;;G0302;Large, flat, eolian sand areas ;;Large, flat, eolian sand areas Stort strandengkompleks;;G0501;Major beach meadow complex ;;Major beach meadow complex Stort typisk utformet delta;;E0101;Large, typically shaped delta ;;Large, typically shaped delta Strandeng-forstrand/panne;;G0506;Beach meadow - forebeach / pan ??;;Beach meadow - forebeach / pan ?? Svartor-strandskog;;F0602;Black alder beach forest ;;Black alder beach forest Svartorskog;;F0203;Black alder forest ;;Black alder forest Sølvbunkeeng;;D0103;??Elaeagnus (Silverberry or Oleaster) meadow ;;??Elaeagnus (Silverberry or Oleaster) meadow Sørboreal blandingsskog;;F1302;??Southern /Sub-boreal mixed forest ;;??Southern /Sub-boreal mixed forest Sørlig ;;G0901;Southern ;;Southern Sørlig, oseanisk utforming;;B0402;Southern, oceanic community ;;Southern, oceanic community Tindved-utforming;;B0203;Oleaster community ;;Oleaster community Tun og gårdsplass;;D1507;Farm yard ;;Farm yard Tungmetallrik utforming;;B0302;Community rich in heavy metals ;;Community rich in heavy metals Tørr gras-urterik hei;;D0702;Dry grass - herb-rich heath ;;Dry grass - herb-rich heath Tørr kalkfuruskog;;F0301;Dry lime pine forest ;;Dry lime pine forest Tørr lynghei;;D0701;??Dry/Calluna heathland ;;??Dry/Calluna heathland Tørr, meget baserik eng i lavlandet;;D0106;Dry, very base-rich lowland meadow ;;Dry, very base-rich lowland meadow Ultrabasisk og tungmetallrik utforming;;C0105;Ultrabasic community rich in heavy metals ;;Ultrabasic community rich in heavy metals Ultrabasisk utforming;;B0301;Ultrabasic community ;;Ultrabasic community Uoppvarmet del av gammelt forsvarsannlegg;;B0503;Unheated part of old defence facility ;;Unheated part of old defence facility Urte- og grasrik ør;;E0402;Herb and grass-rich river delta ;;Herb and grass-rich river delta Urterik kant;;B0204;Herb-rich ??fringe ;;Herb-rich ??fringe Urterik utforming;;E0502;Herb-rich community ;;Herb-rich community Ustabil rasmark med kalkrikt finmateriale;;B0105;Unstable avalanche flat with lime-rich fine material ;;Unstable avalanche flat with lime-rich fine material Varmekjær kildelauvskog;;F0604;Heat-loving deciduous ??spring/source forest ;;Heat-loving deciduous ??spring/source forest Vei- og jernbaneutfylling;;D1506;Road and railway fill ;;Road and railway fill Vekselfuktig baserik eng;;D0111;Intermittently damp, base-rich meadow ;;Intermittently damp, base-rich meadow Velutviklet høgmyr;;A0701;Well-developed high-lying?? marsh ;;Well-developed high-lying?? marsh Velutviklet terrendekkende myr;;A0801;Well-developed, terrain-covering marsh ;;Well-developed, terrain-covering marsh Vestlig og nordlig;;G0902;Western and northern ;;Western and northern Viersump i lavlandet;;F0603;??Willow sump in the lowlands ;;??Willow sump in the lowlands Viktig gytebekk;;E0604;Important spawning stream ;;Important spawning stream Våt/fuktig, middels næringsrik eng;;D0112;Wet/damp, moderately nutrient-rich meadow ;;Wet/damp, moderately nutrient-rich meadow Åkerholme;;D1101;Islet with field ;;Islet with field Åkerreine;;D1102;Headland (farm) ;;Headland (farm) Åpen intermediær og rikmyr i lavlandet;;A0505;Open intermediate and rich marsh in lowlands ;;Open intermediate and rich marsh in lowlands