Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk BabordLateralBøye;"S-57 BOYLAT med CATLAM type babord S-57 BOYLAT object: A lateral buoy is used to indicate the port or starboard hand side of the route to be followed. They are generally used for well defined channels and are used in conjunction with a conventional direction of buoyage. S-57 attribute CATLAM Definition: 1 = port-hand lateral mark; indicates the port boundary of a navigational channel or suggested route when proceeding in the ‘conventional direction of buoyage’";BabordLateralBøye;;; StyrbordLateralBøye;"S-57 BOYLAT med CATLAM type styrbord S-57 BOYLAT object: S-57 attribute CATLAM Definition: 2 = starboard-hand lateral mark; indicates the starboard boundary of a navigational channel or suggested route when proceeding in the ‘conventional direction of buoyage’";StyrbordLateralBøye;;; InstallasjonsBøye;S-57 BOYINB S-57 BOYINB object Definition: An installation buoy is a buoy used for loading tankers with gas or oil.;InstallasjonsBøye;;; NordKardinalBøye;S-57 BOYCAR med CATCAM type nordkardinal S-57 BOYCAR object: A cardinal buoy is used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigable water. It is placed in one of the four quadrants (North, East, South and West), bounded by inter-cardinal bearings from the point marked. S-57 BOYCAR object: S-57 attribute CATCAM Definition: 1 = north cardinal mark;NordKardinalBøye;;; ØstKardinalBøye;S-57 BOYCAR med CATCAM type østkardinal S-57 BOYCAR object: S-57 attribute CATCAM Definition: 2 = east cardinal mark;ØstKardinalBøye;;; SørKardinalBøye;S-57 BOYCAR med CATCAM type sørkardinal S-57 BOYCAR object: S-57 attribute CATCAM Definition: 3 = south cardinal mark;SørKardinalBøye;;; VestKardinalBøye;S-57 BOYCAR med CATCAM type vestkardinal S-57 BOYCAR object: S-57 attribute CATCAM Definition: 4 = west cardinal mark;VestKardinalBøye;;; IsolertFareBøye;S-57 BOYISD S-57 BOYISD Definition: A isolated danger buoy is a buoy moored on or above an isolated danger of limited extent, which has navigable water all around it. (UKHO NP735, 5th Edition). It does not have a code list.;IsolertFareBøye;;; SenterledBøye;S-57 BOYSAW S-57 BOYSAW Definition: A safe water buoy is used to indicate that there is navigable water around the mark. It does not have a code list.;SenterledBøye;;; SpesialBøye;S-57 BOYSPP S-57 BOYSPP Definition: A special purpose buoy is primarily used to indicate an area or feature, the nature of which is apparent from reference to a chart, Sailing Directions or Notices to Mariners. (UKHO NP 735, 5th Edition) Many types are defined in S-57 code list CATSPM. Not all are used at NHS.;SpesialBøye;;;