Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk U;Morsekode U for racon.;0;U;;U F;Faste (ikke blinkende) lys (vedvarende lys av samme styrke og farge) S-57 LITCHR: fixed. Definition: a signal light that shows continuously, in any given direction, with constant luminous intensity and colour.;1;F;;F Fl;Blinkende lys (blinket er kortere enn mørkeperioden og blinkende like lange) S-57 LITCHR: flashing. Definition: a rhythmic light in which the total duration of light in a period is clearly shorter than the total duration of darkness and all the appearances of light are of equal duration.;2;Fl;;Fl LFl;Langblinkende lys (blinket 2 sekunder eller lengre) S-57 LITCHR: long-flashing. Definition: a flashing light in which a single flash of not less than two seconds duration is regularly repeated.;3;LFl;;LFl Q;Hurtigblinkende lys (fortrinnsvis 60 blink per minutt, kontinuerlig) S-57 LITCHR: quick-flashing. Definition: a light exhibiting without interruption very rapid regular alternations of light and darkness.;4;Q;;Q VQ;Rask hurtigblinkende lys (fortrinnsvis 120 blink per minutt, kontinuerlig) S-57 LITCHR: very quick-flashing. Definition: a flashing light in which flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 80 flashes per minute but less than 160 flashes per minute.;5;VQ;;VQ UQ;Ultra hurtigblinkende lys (fortrinnsvis 240 blink per minutt, kontinuerlig) S-57 LITCHR: ultra quick-flashing. Definition: a flashing light in which flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 160 flashes per minute.;6;UQ;;UQ Iso;Isofase lys (like lange lys- og mørkeperioder) S-57 LITCHR: isophased. Definition: a light with all durations of light and darkness equal.;7;Iso;;Iso Oc;Okkulterende (lysperioden er lenger enn mørkeperioden) S-57 LITCHR: occulting. Definition: a rhythmic light in which the total duration of light in a period is clearly longer than the total duration of darkness and all the eclipses are of equal duration.;8;Oc;;Oc IQ;Avbrutt hurtigblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: interrupted quick-flashing. Definition: a quick light in which the sequence of flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant and long duration.;9;IQ;;IQ IVQ;Avbrutt rask hurtigblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: interrupted very quick-flashing. Definition: a light in which the very rapid alterations of light and darkness are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration.;10;;; IUQ;Avbrutt ultra hurtigblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: interrupted ultra quick-flashing. Definition: a light in which the ultra quick flashes (160 or more per minute) are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration.;11;IUQ;;IUQ Mo(K);Lys som blinker Morsekode med bokstaven K S-57 LITCHR: morse. Definition: a rhythmic light in which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in the Morse code.;12;Mo(K);;Mo(K) FFl;Fast lys med blink (fast lys, med jevne mellomrom brutt av et blink med større lysstyrke) S-57 LITCHR: fixed/flash, that is, F + Fl;13;FFI;;FFI Al Oc;Vekslende lys sammen med et okkulterende blinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: occulting alternating, that is, Al + Oc ;17;Al Oc;;Al Oc Al LFl;Vekslende lys sammen med et langt blinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: long-flash alternating, that is, Al + LFl;18;Al LFl;;Al LFl Al Fl;Vekslende lys sammen med et blinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: flash alternating, that is, Al + Fl;19;Al Fl;;Al Fl Q LFl;Hurtigblinkende lys sammen med et langblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: quick-flash plus long-flash, that is Q + LFl;25;Q LFl;;Q LFl VQ LFl;Rask hurtigblinkende lys sammen med et langblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: very quick-flash plus long-flash, that is, VQ + LFl;26;VQ LFl;;VQ LFl UQ LFl;Ultra hurtigblinkende lys sammen med et langblinkende lys S-57 LITCHR: ultra quick-flash plus long-flash, that is, UQ + LFl;27;UQ LFl;;UQ LFl Al;Vekslende lys S-57 LITCHR: alternating. Definition: a signal light that shows, in any given direction, two or more colours in a regularly repeated sequence with a regular periodicity.;28;Al;;Al Al F;"Vekslende lys sammen med et fast lysS-57 LITCHR: fixed and alternating flashing, that is, Al + F";29;Al F;;Al F