Navn;Beskrivelse;Kodeverdi;Navn engelsk;Beskrivelse engelsk;Kodeverdi engelsk Uspesifisert;;1 ;Unspecified;;Unspecified Ar40/Ar39;Argon/argon-metoden ;10 ;Ar40/Ar39; The argon/argon method;Ar40/Ar39 K/Ar;Kalium/argon-metoden ;11 ;K/Ar; The potassium/argon method;K/Ar Os/Re;Osmium/renium-metoden ;12 ;Os/Re; The osmium/renium method;Os/Re Pb/Pb;Bly/bly-metoden;13 ;;; Rb/Sr;Rubidium/strontium-metoden ;14 ;Rb/Sr; The rubidium/strontium method;Rb/Sr Sm/Nd;Samarium/neodynum-metoden ;15 ;Sm/Nd; The samarium/neodynum method;Sm/Nd U/Pb;Uran/bly-metoden ;16 ;U/Pb; The uranium/lead method;U/Pb U/Th;Uran/thorium-metoden ;17 ;U/Th; The uranium/thorium method;U/Th 14C;14C-datering (radiocarbon-datering) ;18 ;14C; 14C dating (radiocarbon dating);14C Cs137;Cesium137-metoden ;19 ;Cs137; The cesium-137 method;Cs137 Pb210;Bly210-metoden ;20 ;Pb210; The lead-210 method;Pb210 Fission trac;Datering ved at radioaktive mineraler nedbrytes og lager fisjonsspor i omliggende mineral/stoff ;30 ;Fission track; Dating by the fact that radioactive minerals decay and produce fission tracks in surrounding minerals/material;Fission track Fossil;Ledefossil ;40 ;Fossil; Lead fossil;Fossil Biostratigrafi;Datering ved hjelp av fossiler ;41 ;Biostratigraphy; Dating by means of fossils;Biostratigraphy Paleomag;Paleomagnetisme ;50 ;Paleomag; Paleomagnetism;Paleomag Termoluminescens;Datering basert på måling av feil i krystallenes gitterstruktur ;60 ;Thermoluminescence; Dating based upon measurement of flaws in the lattice structure of the crystals;Thermoluminescence OSL;Optical stimulated luminisence ;70 ;OSL; Optically stimulated luminiscence;OSL Tephrakronologi;;80 ;Tephrochronology;;Tephrochronology